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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Very nicely done, David! It's an inspiration to those of us whose own partially-completed HMS Fly builds are gathering dust in a display cabinet. I'm not admitting that this something that I have actually done. Okay, yes -- yes I am. 🙄 Cheers!
  2. Being originally from California myself, I have no dog in the Tigers/Gamecocks debate that so clearly divides South Carolina. But I did wonder quite a bit, upon first arrival, why there were so many USC fans in this state. (People who don't see the point here just need to think about it a little bit -- it will dawn on you sooner or later.)
  3. Wow! That was a long lay-off! (Says the guy who hasn't worked on HMS Fly for like five or six years.)
  4. Welcome, James, from SC (drove through Alabama on my way here -- lovely country). Every eye-rolling non-noob started out as a noob. Remembering that helps all of us to keep things in perspective. Cutters make very good entry-level projects -- not too many masts, not too many guns, but everything in doable quantities. Good luck with your project!
  5. Since your parts will be 1.5mm thick, you will need to widen the slots accordingly, a little on each side, in order to achieve the proper fit. Should be something you can work around in some cases. However, in other instances, it's going to cause some headaches. For example, if you add an extra 0.5mm of thickness to both the base plate and the deck, then your hull sides will wind up being 1mm too short. All in all, it'll probably save you a lot of hassle to just re-start with new laminated stock of the correct thickness. Cheers,
  6. I recently adhered a large portion of my cutting mat with CA to a protective table covering. Don't ask me how. 🙄
  7. The static state of affairs at Caldercraft with regards to wood kits has been pretty much the case ever since Chris Watton departed for Amati. It'd be nice to see some progress being made -- but don't get your hopes up too high.
  8. I don't know how I missed the conclusion of this project, Michael. As others have already said, you did a masterful job, and what a treat to see such a historic model restored to her former glory! Well done!
  9. Welcome aboard! Slovenia is a beautiful country. Never been there myself, but the pictures have always looked nice. Cheers!
  10. I have a soft spot for Flowers -- hope some progress on this model is in the offing.
  11. I've seen some well-executed models from the Yamaha site, but never built one myself.
  12. Well, I don't know about "best," but I do know that there are several contenders out there: Revell (if you prefer plastic), Mantua (old Italian kit, with all that that implies), and one from Billing Boats (probably has a fair measure of plastic fittings). If it were me, I would definitely be interested in the kit put out by Woody Joe in Japan (click here for link). I haven't seen this particular kit in person, but the Woody Joe kits that I have seen have all been very good. I don't think that they have English instructions, though.
  13. Thanks for asking! It should not be assumed that by giving Paper Modelers permission to distribute his work that the author is giving blanket permission for anyone to do so. The courteous thing to do would be to sign up at Paper Modelers (I'm also a member there, BTW, and it is a fine site) and then download the model from them. As you noted, it's free to join there. Cheers!
  14. Hello, Richmond. Yes, this will be quite the undertaking! Before you start, may I suggest that you have a look through our card modeling in tutorial in the card models section? There you'll find the basic techniques to get you started. Also, check out any of Dan Vadas's card model build logs, as he does a very good job of explaining how he does things, and his results speak for themselves. He is currently working on HMS Hood.
  15. Great explanation, Zoran. I appreciate that your company is offering so many kits of local sailing craft. Indigenous small craft have been largely overlooked in some countries.
  16. Patrick, could you please give a brief description of the method you are using to add photos to your post? If you are using the MSW photo uploader, it should be allowing you to post images wherever you like in your post by clicking the "+" sign in the lower left corner of any uploaded photo.
  17. Great work so far! Have you thought about tacking down the ends of the reef points with a spot of glue? Gets rid of the "fly-away hair" look. Cheers,
  18. Yep, I built this kit as a kid, too, back around 1971-72. That was back when my skill set consisted of separating parts from sprues and gluing them together. Parts, that is -- not the sprues.
  19. The South Bay Model Shipwrights is the closest club to you that I know of. Some MSW members are regulars there. As for the dory kit, you really can't go very wrong with this simplified type of kit. They're great for an introduction to working with wood and won't set you back much in either $$ or time. Jump in!
  20. Mehmet, love your weathering technique. Looks just like a real working boat.
  21. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," so they say. I rather like off-beat modeling subjects and lug rigs. BTW, halibut and orange roughy are excellent eating, but neither of them will ever win any piscine beauty contests. 😉
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