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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Excellent work, I love it. You have done a wonderful job on her. Something to be proud of that is for sure. Keep the pictures coming.
  2. Robbyn, ScottRC is right you don't want to spray, to much build up in different spots and runs, Brush on in even strokes and it will come out better. Try to enclose it after you do it so no little flies get stuck to it summer times brings out the little flies and they stick to painted stuff real fat. Good luck, your doing a great job.
  3. Excellent work. And like Russ said it just like what is in the book, I have the book and it is indeed a wonderful book. Keep the pictures coming.
  4. I for one am very happy your going to start your log again. I will be waiting for the pictures to start coming. Glad to have you back.
  5. Excellent repair work, sorry to hear of this happening to you. Hope to see more pictures of your beautiful work.
  6. Excellent work. Thank you very much. If you have anymore pictures of your beautiful work Please post them for us to see.
  7. Michael. I agree with what you said. But it does seem that a good amount of the kits people end up replacing the wood that comes with the kit. And it is always the planking strips. That is why a lot of people change over to scratch building, and then some of them never gets finished because the person did the change over to soon, If the company's would change to a better grade of wood they would sell more kits, but at the same time they probably would charge more for the kits ( which most are over price as it is ). So the builder is in a no win place a good amount of the time. It is to bad that it is like this. The hobby loser's because of this. The company's don't really care as long as they are making money.
  8. Yes do paint them. Keep the pictures coming. I enjoy watching this build. Your doing an excellent job.
  9. Danny, I know it has already been said, but this is an excellent build you are doing. I also like the fact that you also show everyone that you are human just like the rest of us. Keep the pictures coming.
  10. This is a very nice post with a lot of good comments. Bill and Chuck both have different ways of doing it, but they both are excellent in there owned ways.
  11. Thanks for the warning, now I know for sure mine will stay in the container LOL.
  12. I am think of just keeping mine in the container that it comes in, my eyes are not what they were when I was younger.
  13. Garward, Now that is a nice setup you have. Thank you for showing this.
  14. It seems that a good amount of the input from people here seems to like the Proxxon over the Micro Mark. They are both made in China, now the Dewalt is made by the same company that makes the Excalibur which is rated as the top of the line. The price for the Dewalt with stand is around $500.00 from Woodcraft some times you see them on sale at Home Depot, if you look at the amount difference and you can wait and save a little more money you might be better off getting the Dewalt one instead. Its like a Sherline Mill or one from Harbor freight or Micro Mark. It does all come down to what can you afford and how much you are going to use it. The Band saw can do almost all of the same things as a scroll saw. Just my 2 cents worth.
  15. Daves, Thank you for the post you made. I feel that you brought up some very good point, and I think I agree with all of them. Thanks for the list that you made.
  16. Gary, It is good to see you back and posting again. Please keep the pictures coming.
  17. Yes Please Post some Pictures.
  18. Now that is a good question, since as far as I know it is suppose to be a hard wood. Anyone got an answer to this question?
  19. I am enjoying this build very much. Your doing an excellent job on her, I agree with Brian about the quality of the wood and fittings straight from the box. It's not something that is seen in kits. Keep the pictures coming.
  20. Gil, No matter what you say about your rigging as to it might be wrong, it is still a thing of beauty and craftsmanship. Keep the pictures coming, I am always waiting for an update.
  21. Excellent work on the stove, I made sure I save the photo's. Keep the pictures coming.
  22. Now I am waiting to find out what is right and what is wrong. But as we all know anything can be fix, just ask Danny LOL. I still see you build as excellent, you guys know way move than I probably ever will about the Victory even though I have almost all the books on her. It shows that you all do your homework when build a ship, that is something everyone should do weather it is a kit or a scratch a person needs to know the ship. Just my 2 cents before the penny is no more.
  23. Also if there is such a cup can Danny drink his Ale from it. Danny, Excellent detail work as always, and I agree Remco is now going to have to catch up to you LOL. Keep the pictures and post coming.
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