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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. It really does look better! Great job on the fix!
  2. Michael: Thank-you! Hope to be able to finish it this week. Mark: Thank-you! I love the clips that I first saw on your build log....they work very well. Sjors: Thank-you! Yes, I did have a lot to read...this is a busy place! Michiel: Thank-you! The San Felipe has a LOT of decorative carvings! I will be very busy later on!
  3. This may help in the future....I have used WD-40 on adhesives, even on fabric. The key is to rise it immediately after. My advice would be to do a 'test' piece first.
  4. Popeye: Thanks! I think the captain may be more patient than I am about the continuation of this build. Steve: Thanks! I saw the binder clip idea on Mark Taylor's build log...they work well. The plans call for balsa wood, so I did the same. Not that I have to follow the plans verbatim, but I already had balsa so.... I am cutting my own strips from stock that is a little thicker than the plans suggest, so I should have more leeway in terms of sanding. Paul: Thanks! Great to be back at work! Hope to get more done this week...and, of course, pictures to follow.
  5. I have to add a saying my father used to use: "The waves recede with the tides of time." He loved ships too and the nautical theme of this saying.
  6. It's been a little while, but I have a small update. I have the main deck partially planked, and will complete after the removal of the bulkhead tops. I've also started the first hull planking. I'm just following the plan instructions for this planking, but will do the final planking as per Chuck's method.
  7. Anja: Thank-you! Steve: Thanks - I have seen that build log and have it bookmarked for reference. Tim: Thanks for stopping by and for kind words!
  8. I have to be careful with my glasses....of all things! I was up close and personal with the masts and yards, while rigging my Mayflower, and hooked my glasses. I leaned back and my glasses were dangling from one of the blocks! Fortunately nothing was harmed, but I now know the potential for disaster. :mellow:
  9. Looking wonderful indeed! I think I would have made the same decision about the deck....based on what is actually visible. Great work!
  10. Absolutely beautiful......absolute precision! Your work continues to amaze and inspire!
  11. Never built a model plane before, but I did sew a dress with both arms reaching for the sky...you know...'stick 'em up' style. Hope I don't do something similar on my ship!! Congratulations Captain Popeye! Sails and rigging are looking wonderful! !!! I would be the one with the 'dead eyes'...not the ship!
  12. Looking great Andy! It always amazes me how even one addition to a build can bring it more to life...let alone all these additions! Keep up the good work!
  13. This is pretty much what I did for San Felipe, but I used cove moulding on a board.
  14. Happy Birthday Anja! All the best in the year to come!
  15. I know exactly what you mean Sjors. The decision is TOTALLY yours as to whether you change the plates or not. I still want to add that your Mirage looks great.....with the plates moved or not!!! I wish I had done some things differently on my Mayflower, but none of my family or friends are model shipwrights so they don't even notice - they just think it looks great.
  16. Augie, Mark, Adrieke, Garward, Robert, Anja, Sjors, Paul, Grant, Cap'n'Bob and Bob.... Thank-you all for the anniversary and birthday wishes! Grant and Bob: 1982 must have been a busy year for weddings!
  17. At the risk of sounding repetitive...absolutely terrific. Such a unique way to do the pintles...I will make a note of that.
  18. I haven't checked in for a while, but now I see I've missed a lot. She's really looking wonderful!
  19. Augie: Bill: Thank-you! Not quite in your league of carving accomplishments, but I'm happy with him - good practice for later carvings. Guy: Thanks for dropping by! Sjors: I'm still here. Thanks for asking! Things have been very, very busy here...more health problems. The good news is that my husband and I are going away for a few days to celebrate our anniversary - which is today - 31 happy years together! The build will be on hold for a little while longer, but I do have the main deck almost planked and will be starting hull planking when I get back home.
  20. Hi Steve. Follow these steps to link your build to your signature: Go to the "my profile" (top left) Then to "edit my profile" (top right) Then "Signature" (list on left) Highlight your "HMS Serapis - Aeropiccola 1/60" Click on the link icon (seen in photo attachment below) A small pop-up window appears - paste your build address: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1858-hms-serapis-aeropiccolla-kit-160-scale/ in the box marked URL Click OK Save Changes and you're done.
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