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Everything posted by amateur

  1. I thought the marines and the guncrews where strictly separated groups? You show them as a part of the guncrew, but who is manning the tops during battle when the marines are running out and aiming the great guns? Jan
  2. Some watercolours suggest that they took the black-white striping to the limit.... (This one is labelled victory in drydock, 1922) Jan
  3. You're not just doing the outside, arent't you? We would like to see the interior as well Jan
  4. Undoubtedly to something beautifull, and to som emore destruction along the route. Perhaps a Vic in the situation of 1890, or one in the situation of 2025? Jan
  5. We've run out of superlatives. We should think of a new one that realy captures your skills and results! Caroline has become a real stunner. It's a pity we can't see her real life, would love to.... Jan
  6. You know the site vocsite.nl? It is onlu in dutch, but informative for those who are able to read Dutch. Jan
  7. Guess you have to share ths title with Martanek, (very well known from some absolutely ridiculously detailed paper models in MSW1. A shame he dropped out after the crash. Jan
  8. I would say: write whatever you like, and when you like. I already learned something from your picture: Fitz was way larger than I ever imagined. These is a guy (andy) somewhere around on MSW (inless he is soemwhere sailing on the grate lakes) who alos did quite a lot of talking on these ships, doing at the moment a slightly larger scale model of a smaller laker. I like these ships (don't ask me why) so I will follow this one. Jan
  9. Hi Daniel, We're absoluterly not surprised. Only a bit curious how and were your carefully applied coppering came loose, and whether or not the remainder feels itself out of palace as soon as the revised version is applied. Wouldn't surprise me if that also jumps of the hull, as soon as they realize how version 1.0 they actually are Jan
  10. And the hole in the middle of the bulkhead is to help allignment, or...? Jan
  11. Hi Marcus, Problem is, the 'ship-types' weren't that closely defined. Many of the "larger" ships of that period were classified as 'Jacht': the ships of Barentz were, as well as Duyfken. These ships were around 1600, a relatively small, presumably fast sailers. Half Moon also classifies in this group. I checked, and Eendracht (1615) is also referred to as a Jacht. Around 1610, also the name Pinas(se) was used for these ships. Thse PInas evolves into the larger 'spiegelretourschepen' of the VOC, as well as into the more purpose build Men of War of the Admiralities. With respect ot size: these ships were measued and classifed based on 'lasts' (a measure referring to both space (i.e. cubic something) as well as weight). There seems to be no clear one-to-one relation from 'last' to 'length'. The ships of Barenz were around 30 last, and did presumably measure aroudn 70 ft. (according to Hoving). The Eendracht was reported as 250 last, but the measuring system for men of war did not follow the same rules as for general purpose ships: there is no way you can recompute the size of Duyfken to that of Eendracht, using the size of both ships as measured in lasts.According to Wiki (...) the ship measured 103 feet, and had 30 guns. My amateurish guess would be that Eendracht would look far more like a ship like Batavia than Duyfken (no way you get 30 guns on a single-decked ship as Duyfken. (compare the pinas of Tasman as drawn by Hoving) Jan
  12. Splitting lengthwise? He is making a negative mould to fabricate the actula hull. Splitting lengthwise would result in a seam that can be masked relatively easy. Jan
  13. Just wondering: can you get the plug out of theplastic hull when the plastic formed over the hull. Jan
  14. Sorry for asking, but does this meanriing the existi g copperplates off, and replacing them with better ones? Jan
  15. There is one completed cutter using this admirality-plug, in the log of Remco. I can't remember of any issues with the plug from that log. Jan
  16. It's notan improvement,the new ones are coming from another world compared to your original Jan
  17. As always: it may depend on your ship and the period concerned. As far as I know, the part around the masttop,is always seized, asis the part that is turned around the deadeyes. In many countries/periods, the most forward shroud is seized over its full length, but as always, there are exceptions. Jan
  18. Instructive, impressive, what else? It would be a shame not to get to the next deck. It would equally be a shame to cover this deck. I thinkthat's what they call a dilimma.... Jan
  19. Nice! Question: what made you decide for the somewhat unusual scale of 1:52, in stead of a 1:48? Jan
  20. The main question being: is it large enough for Pud.... Jan
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