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Gone, but not forgotten
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Posts posted by rafine

  1. Thanks so much Chrismeyer and Vossiewulf.


    Good luck on your build Chrismeyer, and you should start a build log. A very helpful way to ask questions and get feedback.


    Vossiewulf, after considering a lot of options, including plastic airplanes etc., I've now committed to two new projects, Chuck's Medway longboat, and a semi-scratch brigantine Lexington, starting with a Lumberyard mini-kit.



  2. Many, many thanks to all of you for the very generous comments, the kind words about my health , and the "likes". It is this kind of response that makes MSW a gathering of friends, rather than just a modeling website. I can't express the depth of my appreciation. At my age (approaching 80), it is hard not to temper optimism about future health with a dose of reality, but I am optimistic.


    As to future modeling efforts, I had been hoping that Chuck's Winnie would be ready at this point to provide me with what would likely be my last major project.  Since this isn't the case, I need to go to Plan B. Unfortunately, I still don't have one.  I'm open to suggestions.



  3. With this update, I can report that PdN is now finished. I completed the masting and rigging by making,  mounting and rigging the fore topsail and fore lower yards.  I added all of the remaining braces and, lastly, added the anchors.


    If I seem to be abbreviating my description of this work, it is because I am just glad to be done with this model for a couple of reasons. The first, and less important reason is that this is a poor kit with bad plans and instructions. The more significant reason is that this was a very difficult year for me health wise and this impacted both my ability to perform the work and my enjoyment of it. I cut too many corners and failed to do too many things that I should have, leaving me unsatisfied with the result. It is my least favorite build of the last number of years.


    The attached photos are of the most recent work. I will post some final photos of the completed model shortly.














  4. Work on yards and rigging continues. I have now made and added the fore royal and topgallant yards and the gaff. The rigging is comparable to the same yards previously done  on the mainmast. I have added the braces from both of the topgallant yards. All of the lines have been temporarily tied off, pending the completion of the fore mast yards and rigging.


    Next, and last, will be the  fore lower and topsail yards.








  5. A small update. I made, mounted and rigged the main topsail and topgallant yards. The yards were made from dowel, tapered and shaped. Cleats were added, as required and jackstay eyebolts and rods  were also added. Footropes were added to the topsail yard only. The only rigging to the topgallant yard is the halyard and parrel rope. The topsail yard has the parrel rope, the tie and halyard and lifts. I'm leaving the topsail braces for later.


    I'm now in the middle of making up the yards for the fore mast.








  6. Happy New Year to all.


    For reasons that are not clear even to me, I began work on the yards with the main boom and gaff.Each was made from dowel, appropriately tapered. The gaff has strip wood jaws and a parrel made from very small beads. the boom is mounted with a gooseneck made from two eyebolts. Boom rigging consists  of topping lifts and sheets. The gaff rigging has peak and throat halyards and vangs.  I have chosen to omit much of the sail rigging, although I will probably do some limited amount on the square yards.









  7. The ratlines are now complete. Three things are true about doing ratlines: 1) since it is a year or more between times that I do them, I completely forget how to tie clove hitches, and have to look up how to do them each time; 2) once I have tied a few, it's like riding a bike ,and it comes back quickly; and 3) it always feels like I could have, and should have, done them better. Having said all that, I'm happy that they are done and I can move on to more enjoyable things. Time to make , mount and rig some yards.








  8. Joe, if you go to my log, you'll see that I had very similar problems. I gave up on trying to duplicate lines from any drawing, and merely built up and sanded the bulkheads until I had achieved fair lines and curves that looked "right". There is no possibility IMO reconcile the supplied bulkheads with anything . They are just wrong-- even the ones that match the kit drawings The only other alternative that I can see would be to scratch bulkheads from the Takajian drawings. 



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