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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Its there somewhere.....on sheet one perhaps. Dont hesitate to sand the hell out of that planking too. You have quite a bit of thickness there to smooth out the rough spots. Chuck
  2. Ok so to get ready for detailing the stern, here are a few images of the contemporary model. There will be a few differences on ours based on the original draft. Here are some close ups for reference. Its pretty crude when you see it this close up and very dirty. Ours will be more refined hopefully. I know Jacks figures are so much better than these.
  3. Thats ok because the resin carvings can be shaded with the fruitwood gel stain. You just need to put a few extra coats on.
  4. That looks so good in cherry. Its nice to see someone building that version. Yours is looking very clean with some excellent craftsmanship.
  5. Yes but they could be even smaller.....LOL I ran out of space too, so now I just give them away when they are done. I am sure you will find a good home for yours Allan!!!!
  6. Looks very good....good to see this one take shape again. How the heck did you treenail those interior planks...looks like a tight space. How weird is it that you are now in 2020 and I am still in 2019........or 1985 as my kids keep reminding me. Shouldnt you still be sleeping???
  7. After building the Winnie at both 1:64 and 1:48, I am always leaning towards the larger now. Its just more enjoyable given the there are fewer teeny tiny parts that lack detail. Building quarter galleries in both scales sealed the deal for me. Chuck
  8. Looks like you are all set up and ready to go. That model will be done in no time at all. But seriously Gary, its great to see you back at it and its quite a nice space you have. With a library like that I would tempted to just sit and read rather than make some sawdust. Happy New Year to you!!!
  9. That really looks good Mike. Cant wait to see it right side up and in person. That certainly sets the standard for the group. Its proof that slow and steady is the way to go. Did you have many planks that were discarded into the scrap box? I know I did and it is typical for such an outstanding planking job. Chuck
  10. Looks fantastic. Remember that the fairing strip along the waist is temporary. You will need ti check your height when it comes time for the molding at the shear. Examine where the molding falls in comparison to the gunports on the plan. Then adjust accordingly. You may have to remove it entirely or just keep it and sand it down a wee bit.
  11. Beautiful work. Nice to see this model progressing. Happy New Year to you as well.
  12. Nice progress. You are getting to the fun part. I am sure when things settle down outside the shop you will be making your way to the deck details soon enough.
  13. Usually just above the waterline. You should see this straight line indicated in your plans although i have never seen these particular plans. Try looking at some photos of victory as its a similar type hull.
  14. I remember getting some very good advice from someone very close to me. It has served me well over these many years. I was given this advice on my honeymoon. But yes , it also applies here as well. Just a quick note about an observation I have made. Some of you guys are moving along very quickly.....probably too quickly.....definitely too quickly. I mention this as a cautionary tale. It took me more than 4 months to plank my hull on both sides below the wales. All of the planking took me almost six months. I have observed that what took me months to complete has taken some of you a mere week or two of time. Planking is not something that can be rushed and then have the results look neat and clean with a proper run. Again this is a cautionary friendly word of advice as I see many of you about to start planking below the wales. Slow down and consider each plank as an individual project. If you get a gap between planks....tweak it so the gap goes away. If you see dips and a poor run of planking develop....slow it up and try to correct the run of planking with your next strake or remove the offending planking and do it again. There is absolutely no reason to rush through the hull planking. Its just too much fun to rush through!!! Planking I mean... Remember that the planked hull is the largest visual element of your model. Hull Planking that is rushed can sink the appearance of an otherwise wonderfully built model. That should be printed on a fortune cookie!!!! It will detract from everything else you do on the model no matter how well done it ends up being. Just s friendly word of advice.....slow down and enjoy the ride. Remember, the bottom isnt painted. You could plate it however if need be. Or slow down and try to tackle just two or three strakes a day. Probably two. Try and slow down...best advice I was ever given.
  15. With a couple days away from the sweatshop, and time spent in the workshop instead....I managed to finish the port side. At least it is finished for chapter 3 and matches the other side. Now I will turn my attention to the stern transom and all of the carvings and details that go back there. That will complete this chapter. One note...the two figures on the quarters...you will need to file a groove along the back so they sit flush and in position. Something we couldnt do when making them. This will vary from model to model. This needs to be done because the qgalleries stand proud of the transom edge forming a small alcove. Filing a small groove or slot down the back of the figure helps it sit nicely in the corner. You will no doubt find this out when it comes time. Its easy to do. I think I matched the starboard side pretty well.
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