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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Really nice!!! Good to see you posting. Are you jumping back on the Cheerful? That was also turning in a spectacular model.
  2. You are good to go......the measurements are only left to right on a scale bar. The height means nothing. You are just fine. Start making some sawdust.
  3. I wish....I have about 1000 2mm double blocks to make today.
  4. Welcome to the group....Its not too late at all. I expect new folks to join as this will be a long project that is here to stay. I just packaged up your latest order of Winnie parts and the masting for the longboat. It will ship out tomorrow morning. Chuck
  5. Yupp ....but it is still correct. This has been discussed to death. It is the way it was done however....
  6. Its very timely and good to see your config. I am slowly drafting the next project which is a fully framed Winnie cross section. Its going to be a very nice subject. It will have 20 frames.
  7. That really looks good Ben. I cant wait to see it defined with the window in your planking. chuck
  8. Looks very good. I would fair a bit more on those bow fillers judging from how that batten run off them. You need just a wee bit more so you dont have a bump in your planking along the aft edge of those fillers. Chuck
  9. Mike ....all that time was so well spent. Your hull looks great. Taking your time always pays off in the end. Can you post a photo of the entire hull as well? Chuck
  10. Materials list chapter three..... I am starting to put these together this weekend and should have them available next week sometime. Lots of laser cut parts and even though some are small parts the laser is set on a very slow speed and low power to etch and cut these details. These are some sophisticated little parts like the molding and scrolls.... There will be a mixture of Boxwood and Cedar parts. All Strip wood is included. Hopefully I didnt forget any or the numbers I kept track of were correct. The Cherry version will follow shortly after. Materials List for Winnie third.pdf
  11. That looks pretty good to my eye. Just have to clean up more of that char. Very nice!!! I also see some additional fairing needed on those port frames. But it is shaping up nicely.
  12. I just use gutteman polyester thread. I get 100 weight thread the same color at any craft store. For thinner ropes you can use fly tying thread.
  13. Yes Jeff certainly spoiled us all. I miss the service every day.
  14. No unfortunately in the USA there are no longer sources for milled strips of Boxwood, holly or Swiss Pear. There are only a few businesses left and they are all outside of the USA. I am afraid that the only way folks are going to get stripwood like this moving forward is to invest in a good hobby saw like the Byrnes and buy sheets to mill your own strips. Not only is it cheaper but after a short time you will get really good at it. you can find domestic stuff like basswood or cherry but the sizes are limited. Taking your models to the next level means learning how to use a saw like the Byrnes saw to rip your own strips. Its not a good business to be in and it is unlikely that anyone will jump into this space to replace hobbymill.
  15. Dont forget to check out the many photos of the contemporary model posted in out gallery. They are located in the contemporary model section of the gallery.
  16. It looks very good. Your care in planning has paid off. It is important at this stage and she looks great!!!
  17. Wouldnt this make an excellent model project or even a kit maybe? I believe she launches on Feb. 20th. Please visit their Facebook page....really great stuff on there. Chuck
  18. That looks really good. Nicely done. That type of planking with all of those tabs is not the easiest thing to accomplish. Yours looks neat and tidy. Chuck
  19. I made it curve up just a little because I would avoid a completely straight horse. Just for aesthetics. There is no curve towards the transom. It is always equal distance from the transom.
  20. Very nice progress. That is some neat and tidy craftsmanship. Those parts can get tricky to make and install.
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