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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Welk that looks pretty darn good!!! Well done. Its not that hard once you know all steps and are willing to take the time to do them all. Most folks think its too much of a pain....but as you see, it is well worth the effort. The cedar looks great.
  2. Add the molding first. But the roof should be just shy of flush with the molding AFTER the shingles are added.
  3. You are welcome. Its just as much fun to watch you guys build it. Im actually making some progress on mine and should have an update soon as well. I am glad that you are enjoying it. I really wanted to create a project for a frigate that was like no other available commercially.....as far as the amount of detail and accuracy. I was leery at first that it was too large a project to have a group like this but hopefully you guys agree it was worthwhile and fun to do.
  4. Adriano, Glad to see you finally made it in the group. Your Winnie is off to a great start and the Cheerful looks fantastic also. Keep the updates coming. We love looking at the models....so lots of photos are great. Chuck
  5. Really nice progress.....looks fantastic.
  6. It looks very good. Those qgalleries are tricky. The extra windows have slightly different angles just in case.....understanding that its tough to get the angle precisely as the plans show it. Yours look very good.
  7. If you have dullcoat that would be best. I wouldnt use WOP as it will make the carvings too shiny. Chuck
  8. That is looking quite nice. Almost done with chapter 3. Looking great.
  9. It looks pretty good to me also. Dont be afraid to sand the hell out of the planking to get it level and smooth. There is plenty of meat on those strips to do so. Its looking great so far. I would recommend that you adjust the black tape for your molding though. Try and get a consistent space between the tape. Especially at the bow as it looks a bit wavy as shown in the photos.
  10. They look pretty good to me. I also had many many attempts that ended in the bin. Those are quite tricky although they do t look like it. Lots of angles which arent apparent until you start working in them.
  11. Looking really fantastic Rusty. I think you should try the lighter carvings first. You can always darken them later. Just lightly tack them on the model. Chuck
  12. Its still there. Its with the sponsor banners. And it still works but I fear it hasnt been updated in ages. http://mswshipkits.ampitcher.com/ chuck
  13. Looking very good. You may need a few 5/16” strips as well. You might want to buy some 1/16” thick sheets and thickness that to 3/64” before you rip strips from it. It will be easier to mill 5/16” strips from a thin sheets rather than a thick one.
  14. Welcome to the Syren club....Glad you started a build log. Have fun with the project. Chuck
  15. Maury .....its there........always has been. Click this link and tell me what you see. https://modelshipworld.com/forum/155-1801-1850/ Do you see your build log on the first page? Its literally in the number one slot now.
  16. It is possible that those members left the forum and deleted those posts. After so long it would be impossible to tell.
  17. Thats not true at all Maury....I can see it just fine. You may have inadvertently sorted the list somehow and it remembered that. I can see it on the list just fine...in the order that it was updated with the others.
  18. Thank You Kerry for this thorough review. It looks like a ton of parts. A very detailed kit, I am looking forward to seeing you and many others build this Enterprize kit and start a build log. Chuck
  19. I have used spray adhesive....it will come off reasonably well. The other alternative is a plain glue stick. This will come free with some water. And a straight razor blade helps too. Plain copy paper is fine. Chuck
  20. That is looking great Rusty.....Isnt better than building her at 3/16" scale? How do you prefer the design changes over the last iteration? The pear and Cherry look great together.....you cant even tell which is which.
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