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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Well done. But just as an FYI, that molding across the transom, it really shouldnt be there. That was never a detail on these small boats. In fact.....take a look, the rudder cant actually move now. And internally strapped blocks....probably not used. Just a stropped block with a thimble. But you did a fine jon making them. Chuck
  2. Tom that is looking really good. Nice touch on the triangular eyebolts.
  3. I am sure you can make another. Rich that looks pretty darn good. Those came out great. I know how tiny they are and that makes it even more impressive.
  4. Capstan experiment one. I got bored and burnt out making inventory items. So I decided to test out my parts for making the lower capstan. I have had the parts laser cut for a while. I didnt take any construction photos as this was just a test but keep in mind this is way before we will actually need it. I am always just a little ahead with the design stuff. So I will make another and document each step. I want to make the center spindle a bit heavier that goes between decks above the capstan drum. So I will tweak that before I make a new one. But what I wanted to show you guys is how I did it. I tried a new design for fitting the chocks into the whelps. Below you can see my very first proof of concept testing to see if I could laser etch notches on both sides of the whelps. It worked beautifully. So all you need to do is slide the chocks in after test their fit. This was a challenge even at this scale because these parts are still pretty tiny. The other parts including the capstan drum are all built as usual in layers on a 1/16" x 1/16" stick to register them. Very similar to the way I designed the stern lantern mini-kit for the winnie. This was a fun mini kit to build and will look great painted or left natural. I will detail its construction in Chapter 5.....sorry to jump the gun. I couldnt help myself. These will be made available as stand alone mini kits in 1/4" scale and 3/16" scale as well.
  5. Cant see why it wouldnt work. Although I prefer to start at the top of the wales. This way, if I screw up and have to shift some of the lower planks it wont be as noticeable.
  6. I am not sure what you are referring to but yes there are eyebolts between the chainplate straps.
  7. Not really....you should be able to buy sheets the correct width already. If you buy an 1/8" thick sheet then it should be 1/8" thick. Although some sizes may not be readily available. If you cant find 5/32" sheets then yes you will have to thickness down from 3/16" thick. Chuck
  8. Funny...I will add one. Its my last vise. I cant seem to quit. Yes, she will have guns. Prototype below. But with the carriages painted red. I havent decided on how many yet. She was supposedly launched with 26 twelve pounders and 6 six pounders. But my research indicates that during the revolution she carried 24 twelve pounders and 8 six pounders. I am leaning towards the later because that is the time period I am building. It also allows me to show the last gunport closed which I prefer and also having 6 quarter deck guns and 2 f'castle guns.
  9. Thanks....indeed it holds a close resemblance. I am sad to say. LOL. It freaks out my kids when they see it. Chuck
  10. Jim she looks good!!! I can tell your having fun with project. It might be a bit of wait for the chapter 4 stuff as I am not finished with it myself. I cant believe you actually caught up to me..... Chuck
  11. Sure the lighter one is cedar.....other than the slight color difference they both look and perform the task beautifully. Keep in mind I just took this with my phone. But you get the idea. Chuck
  12. I forgot to mention that I will not be drilling the deck for the masts since there wont be any. I simply painted the circles black on the false decking. The partners are really thick and then there will be the mast coats so these holes will be pretty deep. So it will look nice and neat this way and nobody will ever know. AND they are so deep that if anyone was crazy enough to rig her, that they would be sufficiently deep enough to stick your masts into.
  13. Looks good but that window glazing will get so dusty on the inside and impossible to clean. I wouldnt add it until much much later. No need to do it now at all. I have also just switched to black on the top of the roof after much contemplation. It looks better to my eye and make the fancy rail stand out much more. See the photo below. Something to consider. Chuck
  14. I am not even sure this thing as designed can be built. It is only 8" long. But I basically drafted it exactly like my barge kit. The only difference difference is it will be carvel planked. But I drafted it with frames to be built in a jig just like the barge kit which is 19" long. I must be nuts trying to build it with floors and futtucks. I may change that but I am curious if it can be done. What do you think???? Too ambitious. It will certainly be a detailed almost stand alone kit.
  15. Thanks guys. Yes I am aware of that stove. I am not sure it would fit perfectly but I guess it wouldnt hurt to try. Its a bit a cheat though....especially since we should at least try and build one. Having it all done like that defeats the purpose in my opinion. It doesnt have to be made from scratch but it should at least be made....not just painted and stuck on the model. Just my opinion though.
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