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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. Thanks E.J., it is my intent to build this straight out of the kit with no changes. Even though it is early in the build I don't think I'll be replacing any material as it is all excellent.
  2. Ian: Thanks, although the starboard is only half complete I plan on having it done this week. Too cold to go outside! Bob: I was a little surprised how it looks as well, I'm thinking I may experiment and stain the other side to see how it looks. Thanks for stopping in. Your Halifax is looking fantastic, I apologise for not commenting more but with every update you leave me speechless Doug: I'm thinking at 1 mm it will still bend easy, much easier than walnut would. I'm seriously thinking of buying some and milling it myself to try out H.H.: Thanks for dropping by and for your nice comment
  3. Good Morning all, thanks for all the great comments, visits and likes. Since my last post there has not been too much activity in the shipyard but I have completed the planking on the port side. All went as expected and with no surprises. Unlike the first layer I did not bother to taper the planks resulting in having to use three stealers at the stern, these will be covered by copper plates so I was not that worried about this. I found trying to taper the .5 mm planks was just not worth the effort for something that was going to be either painted or covered with plates. So I guess I did do it the easier way in some ways . I could not resist putting a coat of wipe on poly to see how the beech would look, this will be sanded and act as my sealer for the paint and plates. I really like the looks of the beech and think it is defiantly worth considering for future builds. Not much to show but here it is: Putting in a stealer Planking completed Stern trimmed Bow trimmed and coat of wipe on poly Wipe on poly is still a little wet, if you look at the transom you can see some of the beech without any poly. Love how this wood looks
  4. Hi Lawrence, for painting the sails I used paint pens. They work very well with very little bleeding and no runs.
  5. Congratulations Doug on your new build, we now have enough builders to start a "Stefano Guild" . I will gladly follow along with your build, it is a lot of work but really is a beautiful ship. Wish you the best and will look forward to seeing more.
  6. May not be historically accurate but it surer looks good
  7. Hello Robert, lucky you to be in southern California. I myself have not been in the shipyard much lately so do not have much to report yet. Using 1mm stock should not pose too much of a problem as far as the structure goes, it will cut down the overhang of the rail but you should still have enough. Before you commit to using walnut I would try bending some to shape first as there are some real tight bends and walnut is not as easy to bend as the lime wood or the .5 mm beech. Your thoughts on the second layer of planking are interesting. I have no answer other than to say one continuous even layer of planking maybe easier to plate and allow more more room for errors. I am also wondering if the 1 mm extra thickness of the hull above the waterline would be noticeable.
  8. You did an excellent job on the painting!! I would have been scared of the stain bleeding though to other areas, but your lines all look sharp with no bleeding, again, great work.
  9. Looks like a interesting project David, you should have fun with this. I'm glad to hear you are saving the deck, I think it looks great. Having the card stock fall off during the cleaning was, in someways, a gift as it will all look better in wood. I am, although, unfamiliar with 3/32" wood......thought we were metric
  10. The flooring looks great, how did you manage to do the blackened areas?
  11. Hi EJ, have you ever seen this site, http://www.shipmodels.com.ua/eng/order/index.htm, they have some awesome cannons specifically for your ship. I just thought I may be of help spending some more of your money
  12. It's looking all nice and square, it will be another one of your masterpieces, Merry Christmas to you and yours.
  13. That is one fantastic build!! Congratulations, and here's hoping Santa brings your next build for you> Merry Christmas
  14. That stern is giving her a real sense of "Royalty", very nice work. Merry Xmas
  15. Fantastic build! Thanks for sharing and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
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