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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. The stern area is really looking good, nice work Rossi
  2. Beautiful painting, very nice work. Please show your results with the Danish oil, I am interested in seeing that
  3. Hello Mike, Thanks for dropping in. Sadly I have to say the Pegasus is sitting on bench with no work being done on her. I will get back to her as soon as I finish some of my other smaller projects I have on the go.
  4. She should be a strong hull using those planks!! Looking good.
  5. Ian: Thanks, good eye , that's a little side project I'm working on. Another MarisStella kit, just can't get enough of these!!! Russ: Thanks so much for stopping by Russ
  6. Wow Mark, You have done so much since I was last here. She all looks great, love how that stem looks now!!!
  7. Great start David, you will have no problems making another beauty out of this kit
  8. Samson: Thank you so much, you are right about the kit it is a real beauty. MarisStella takes a lot of pride in their products David: Thanks. I can't take too much credit for the blocks as they were laser cut. All I did was to install the sheaves and shafts into the blocks Jim: Thanks. MarisStella makes the blocks fairly easy to build Mike: Thanks Mike and congratulations again on your completion. The decking is beech, I think it is a fine looking wood well worth having on hand Dave: Thanks. I also have three of the sanding blocks always loaded and ready to go. Hope you are feeling better OC: Thanks for stopping in and for your comment
  9. Good morning all. Thanks to all for your likes, comments and for stopping in. A month has passed and there really is not much progress to show. Time has been spent on other little projects and of course the all important holidays. As our spring is far from starting this year the next few weeks should prove to be a little more productive, I'm hoping. At any rate here is the progress: The bending problem was solved by milling some walnut and cutting to shape, three pieces per side The results for the freeboard, scarf joints cannot be seen but I know they are there Scuppers drilled in hull scuppers in deck $ holes made in hull for mooring ropes Hull blocks assembled Hole started for block Block installed How it looks now with two coats of flat black paint, below waterline will be copper plates. Thanks for stopping in and have a good modelling day!!
  10. Nice job Mike. You overcame any and all obstacles and ended up with a beautiful model to display. Congratulations!!
  11. OC: I have since cut them down to 3 mm strips, I'll give these a good soaking then try again Lawrence: Sorry about that Lawrence I've been busy lately and and not spent much time on the Stefano, this is about to change real soon
  12. You could: Make a lap joint, when glued then drill some holes in joint to add tiny dowels that would further strengthen joint Mount pieces in lathe and drill holes in ends to accept a dowel, then glue together Leave as is, with pin, glue several small strips (.5 mm thick) around diameter of dowel. Then if you wish wrap rope around it in different locations for added strength and looks
  13. Finally caught up to you and your new build, Bob. I now have this one on "the list" so I'll be watching!!
  14. Beautiful model Antony, congratulations!!
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