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Everything posted by Garward

  1. In respect of additional information: HMS Pandora by Larisa Rumjantseva (Ukraine, Odessa) - the Gold medal on the European Championshit in Timishoara and the first place in the class C1 agrees NAVIGA rulles http://forum.modelsworld.ru/topic8032.html
  2. In respect of additional information: Santísima Trinidad en 3D por Luis M. Martínez http://www.todoababor.es/maquetas/santisima_trinidad.htm
  3. In respect of additional information: Navío Santísima Trinidad de José Joaquin Heres Viña http://www.todoababor.es/maquetas/santisima_trinidad3.htm
  4. And where a photo from the last messages? The pomp and without them looks good, but it would be desirable to look...
  5. It is better: Drill holes larger than necessary and use shims to align later.
  6. Good Castello Boxwood substitute is the Brazilian maple (paomarfim) - close mechanical characteristics and color.
  7. Better on a flank to grind off and replace these hoops with narrow strips of a copper or brass foil, or paper.
  8. Try before flexible to presoak for a while details in liquid ammonia, it usually helps even for thick details.
  9. Hi, Andy, good work! Try to remove finally traces from laser are sharp at end faces of details (while it still can be made), under a finishing covering they are usually brightly shown.
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