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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. You are making good progress Charles, She is shaping up nicely. David B
  2. Bob, try Media Player Classic. That opens almost anything. Plus it is a free download. David B
  3. Congrats Max. your version of the Endeavor is fabulous. David B
  4. Phil, another thing you can do is fill in between the bulkheads. This will give you more glue surface and make it so that your planks will lie properly, David B
  5. Phil, planking on a model is the same wheather it is a k or scratch built. I would go with Chuck's tutorial before Billings. Plus show what you have done so we can follow along. David B
  6. Maury, blackening metal can be problematic at times. A few years ago a club member gave a demo/talk on blackening metal at a club meeting that I think would help out a little. Once the part as been cleaned and degreased it was pickled in a hot Sparex bath. According to the member this gave the part some tooth and allowed the blackening agent to work. And he used Caseys Brass Black. Since the stuff is a mild acid I think a long soak in white vinegar might do the same thing and be a little safer. David B
  7. I am wondering the same as Nigel. I have always seen wax being used on th plug I have never seen gesso. What is the advantage or is personal preference? David B
  8. I would love to take the boat out m Lake Michigan. That would be a blast leaving the marins. David B
  9. Cathead the great Lakes has a rich history with many different types of boats and water craft. David B
  10. Time to throw my chisels and knives in the garbage. David B
  11. Elijah, remember to place your model so that it's waterline is parallel with the board. And to compensate for the drag. Plus you are not in a race. Take your time and enjoy your self as well. Plus one of the best tools you will ever have is knowledge and how to utilize it. David B
  12. Ed, I have had bad luck with the paste flux. I remember working on a winch for my Latham and when I used the stuff the assembly dissolved. Everything was cleaned and prepared for hard soldering. To this day I still do not understand what I did wrong. Plus where can someone buy Liver of Sulfur? David B
  13. Hopefully it will not be a major rework and fortunately you caught it now instead of later. David B
  14. Daniel, awhile back at Manitowoc one of the modelers gave a demo of how he did some of his carvings, He used a dental engine with different dental burrs. A Dremel may not be fast enough to do the job you would just have to experiment with it. David B
  15. Should prove interesting. At a guild contest I purchased a kit from Iron Shipwright. and if my sister was able to include it this will be a great tutorial for me when I can find it to build it. David B
  16. Looking good Pete, question for you. What is the reason for using rubbing alcohol. David B
  17. You have done a marvelous job Cathead. I would love to see it at Manitowoc for everyone to see.it. David B
  18. A great history lesson about Riverboating up the Great Muddy. And This the first time I have heard of grasshoppers. Thank you Cathead for a great lesson and wonderful discussion. David B
  19. A very interesting build of a nearly forgotten piece of American waterway history. Your log could be developed into a book for the university if they were to pay for it. David B
  20. Ed I have learned many techniques through your build. I like the way you made your rails. My method for the bow and stern was usually doing a laminating build and then just painting it. Now I have learned another way thank you. David B
  21. I just finished going through your log Giampi and find it very enlightening. Fantastic workmanship and I think this is the first time I have heard of using scrapers on frames. David B
  22. Ben, I went through your entire log and have learned a lot and enjoyed it. May you do well in your tests and endeavors. David B
  23. I just came across your log Noah and really am impressed with what you have done and can sympathize with hand tremors. Every now then my hands start to cramp up. The last time I ran the sheer at work my hands cramped on me and it was torture completing the job, David B
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