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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. That would be perfect for a trip on the Miss. river from Debuque to NewOrleans. Beautiful. David B
  2. Elija, remember to take your time and when you make your templates glue them to a piece of aircraft plywood this will keep them from bending. David B
  3. Congrats on a job well done Doc. I have always has problems using stain on my models. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, David B
  4. That mock up really gives one a good idea on how the Omega is going to look. Have you ever done casting before? Have a Merry Christmas. David B
  5. Nice color scheme Dimitris what is the shade you used for the deck? Merry Christmas. David B
  6. Nicely done. Your planking is superb. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. David B
  7. Looking good Geoff, You can also use Testors Dullcote if white glue is not available. Merry Christmas. David B
  8. You are doing a fabulous job Giorgio. Your model resembles the Benjamin W. Latham. Since both did the same thing they would be similar. The fun is going to be all the iron work when you start getting into the masts and rigging. How did you make the cap on the bowsprit? David B
  9. Outstanding work Bob. The colors and the deck look great. David B
  10. Looking good Jessie. What is the wire net for? David B
  11. Ron, what kind of glue do they recommend with this type of plastic? A solvent or CA and epoxy? David B
  12. A wonderful piece of craftsmanship Maury vunderbar David B
  13. Patrick, your yacht is really coming along. Your using styrene really gives it a modern (fancy appearance}. But remember that styrene and bright lights do not play nice with each other. Years ago I remember a modeler brought a model of the PT109 to Manitowoc and because of the heat and light it had started melting in his car. Just keep it at normal temps and you will never have to worry about any problems. David B
  14. When I was still living in Chicago the local library had a book on Herreshoff and his boats, I looked for it when they had one of their sell offs but somebody got it before me. I can't wait to see the finished product. David B
  15. Your planking looks magnific Mark. That Poly really enhances the wood. One thing I do not understand is your pear wood. I know several modelers who swear by it and say it does not ding or mar easily. David B
  16. I thought I was looking at the genuine article Karl. The remaining photos blew my mind. Wonderful. MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR David B
  17. Richard, I do the same as Sal. I stick the tubing into a hole i made in a block of wood and take a razor saw to cut it down. to get to the final dimenstion I use either a file or sanding sticks. David B
  18. Toni, She is becoming a real work of art. I wish I could see it up close and take a few picks. Gorgeous. David B
  19. Your model is really shaping up into a real beauty Patrick looking good. David B
  20. I echo everyone else Piet, The colors really bring it to life. David B
  21. You did a fantastic job Nils. To bad you do not live near WI. I would love to see your Pegasus at Manitowoc. David B
  22. Looking good Clare. How would you rate this kit? For a beginner, average, or expert. David B
  23. Geoff, If I remember there was a discussion about rigging line and Egyptian cotton was recommended. Have you tried it out? Just thinking about making the job a little easier. David B
  24. Geoff, I love the way you are building your Connie. Too bad I cannot see it up close. I remember taking close ups and saving them. I do not envy you getting it to a meeting. How is the thread you are using doing with all the handling? Any kinks, fuzz or unraveling? Have a merry Christmas. David B
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