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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. I am happy you found a great club Elijah. The members are all great modelers and you will also find historians and machinists as well. I miss the meetings and know you will have a good time. David B.
  2. Your windows look great Mark. Perfectly proportioned. David B
  3. Kudos great idea and wonderful carving using Sculpy. I remember going to an artist's fair and saw several carving techniques. One of them that is similar to your method but different material. He used hard wax then placed it in a resin mold and cast it. David B
  4. I agree with the rest Jack. Have you tried Rit which can be found at Walmart, Walgreens, etc and Dylon which can be found at Blick's Artist Supply. Just follow the instructions and away you go. David B
  5. Remco I have used those blades for shaping many times but have never gone to the trouble of heat treating them. I would get the design with a cut off wheel and sanding disks using a moto tool. To me that is the easy way. David B
  6. Chris try a drop of thin CA on the corners. as it cres it should plasticize the wood preventing breakage. David B
  7. If this is going to be your base then my advice would be to experiment and go with you like. If the wood is going on your model then I think it would stand out to much. David B
  8. Depending on scale you might want to much grain definition. That is why I usually do tests on planks that have been cut to length and width.
  9. Looking god Chris. What I have done when I had brittle wood was use a nife and get it close then bring to the final shape with sanding sticks. David B
  10. Pete your Volvo looks great. It would be thrilling to be in it for a day. David B
  11. Druxey, I remember being shown carvel planking at a club meeting and I still think it is magic. I think it is cutting the bevel and the maximum glue area that throw me off. David B
  12. Here is a good article about a liner that broke records and the people who wish to revive her. http://nationalinterest.org/feature/bringing-the-mighty-ss-united-states-back-life-15180 David B
  13. Let it be said that Augie's Confederacy will carry his memory for friends and loved ones a fitting tribute. David B
  14. The perfect diorama would have her t the pier unloding her cargo of dried sponges. It would highlight your weathering and tell a story at the same time. David B
  15. Patrick I think it about time you set up a session with Dr Per for therapy. As for the sub nice idea and some rich kid will pick it up and use it for showing off to the ladies. David B
  16. I have never used Micro-glaze Mark, Usually it was acetate or microscope glass. Thanks for the tutorial. David B
  17. Sigge, you have done a wonderful job. And had enough room to have a nice display. Since you like an interesting challenge. How about a stern of the Vasa as She was Swedish built a hundred years earlier than the English built Dragon. Pointing out the difference between English and Swedish practices and the eras. that they were built in. David B
  18. Karl your rudder takes the cake. What kind of wood did you use? David B
  19. Michael, if Amazon does business in Israel try them I think you will find an airbrush for less. My advice would be to go with a Paasche H or Badger Anthem. I have been a happy user with the Paasche. And I have heard many good things about the Anthem and they are both more than adequate for our hobby. David B
  20. Piet have you thought about using black electrician's tape or pinstriping tape to simulte the banding? David B
  21. Michael, I agree with Jerry. For many years I have used a Paasche H and got good results. It is one of the workhorses out there and easy to use. Unless you are going to be a pro do not bother with the Infinity and use the money you saved for a decent compressor. Badger, Paasche, and Iwata are all made well and will work for you. Here is a link that can give you some advice on what you need .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsW-vN0_lHw David B
  22. You have been doing a wonderful job Matti. I came across your build and have been amazed at the things you have done and achieved. If you decide to go with turnbuckles they can usually be found in a RR hobby store or supplier. David B
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