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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Tom if you have the tools go for it. Easier than ordering a new part. David B
  2. I had a chance to buy a watchmakers lathe years ago and a club member told me to stay with the Sherline. If everything was packed I use a watch makers T-rest and engravers to turn and shape metal. I think it what you can get and are used to and comfortable with. The quality of the machine combined with the skill and knowledge of the operator is what makes the difference. David B
  3. Unfortunately those books are not usually found in out libraries. Plus I have found them interesting to go over again and again. David B
  4. How many stiff ones did you have during this operation? I must have been a nerve wracking experience. David B
  5. Chris I notice you are from Chgo where I used to live. If you are interested the clubs I belonged to can be a great help and a lot of fun. I really miss them. P.M. me and I will get you the contact information. Their ships on deck is a wealth of information in itself. David B
  6. Ian, Ed is an artist who speaks with his hands. A masterful job. David B
  7. You are not in a race the care and work you are doing now will pay dividends down the road. At this stage if you take off a little too much you can always build it back up. You are doing a great job David B
  8. We had a club member who used a mini belt sander and said it worked out okay just using a light touch just have a good dust collection system running and wear a mask. Harbor Freight and other Hardware stores carry them just have a reliable air supply and I think they make electric ones as well. We had one where I worked and it was great for removing material in tight places. David B
  9. Nicely done Mark. I have always had problems bending ply myself and am usually unhappy with the end result. David B
  10. Model flex paint can be bought on line from Chicago Airbrush Supply http://www.chicagoairbrushsupply.com/ I purchased my last batch from them and they were easy to do business with. Ryland what kind and brand of brush did you use? David B
  11. The main problem is obtaining a library as these books are diverse and can be expensive. When I am able I will have to go through what my sister was able to pack. I hope nothing was left behind. But my advice is to buy the books listed and they will help get to the starting point. As a famous person once said the only stupid question is the one not asked. We have had club members who would build their models and did it for the pleasure of working with their hands and others who studied every aspect of the vessel they were building both were encouraged. Just go at your own pace and comfort level. And when you have a question just ask and you will be answered. David B
  12. This is one of the things I like about this thread. The amount of discussion and information generated by one photo. David B
  13. This should prove a learning experience for everyone. Please keep us posted on your progress. David B
  14. Pete what is the cure time for West Systems Epoxy? My brother in law uses it all the time and the last cabinet he used it on took several weeks to cure. Could it have been the temp. or the humidity? David B
  15. To provide a rigid backing for using a plane make a fixture with a 45⁰ slot and square it up. Then plane the edges to get 8 sides then round it up with sandpaper. Using a drill for doing everything may seem faster but you may impart a twist in the yard that will come back to haunt you down the road. David B
  16. I think it would be a first. I have seen models split at the waterline half and half and one where the modeler did a fully framed half and on open framed half as a second model. But I have never seen a cut away of a cannon. Should prove interesting to achieve. David B
  17. Mike, the most important tool you need is a very sharp knife to make clean cut. Just make sure your hands are steady when you start. You do not want any boo boos. David B
  18. Ron would you advise going the 3D printing route over photo=etch? And the cost pro or con? David B
  19. Congratulations on a stunning model. I am not a judge but I would give it a gold in a heart beat. Beautiful. David B
  20. Mick, your fixtures are a keeper thanks for the photos. David B
  21. I picked up on of those Rosewood planes at a show and made a fixture for it. With a little practice I was able to get an edge on it. When I shelled out for the Lee Valley Planes I was hooked. David B
  22. Great piece of woodworking. Beautiful David B
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