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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Thanks for the thought Omega, Right now I am in recovery from my 1st tranplant. My immune system while not dead is very weak. As a result I have to avoid crowds and other places. My brother in law is a stock car fan. I cannot go to the races with him because of the dust. When I go outside I wear a mask, Right now the windows are open but we are out in the boondocks. Fresh air feels good my mask is sitting beside me. Where do you live? David B
  2. Looking good Omega, I amglad you are feeling better. The flu is not a nice thing to have. And in my case it would be lethal. David B
  3. For mixing paint go for the thickness of skim milk. For plastic Tamiya acrylics would be your best bet. A couple of rules that will help you out will be practice of the model and keeping your AB clean. David B
  4. The next item I worked on were the howitzers. I just followed the same procedure as I did before. The end result is satisfactory for the time being. I have been looking around and eventually I might be looking for photo etched parts. David B
  5. The next item to take care of were the lifeboat davits. This time around I tried a different way of doing them. After cutting out the patterns I took the time to square them off and then score the break for folding. This made for a neater and tighter glue joint less separation. Next came cutting it out. What a diffrence in blades. The only drawback with the scalpel blade is that it is stainless steel and as a result dulled out on the cutting pad quick. However it was easier to keep honed and was narrower than my xacto blade and with more control. One of the things I learned on curved parts is to always cut the inside curve first. That way there will be less stress on the part as you do the outside curve. I modified the davits that did not have the lifeboat by cutting away the paper and adding lines that were hardend with CA I thought this looked much better. Once they were glued to the hull I made up the lifeboat and installed it in place. I see improvement in my work and skills but I am still learning and having fun. Eventually I will be in the same class as Brian and Cap't Slog I hope David B
  6. How many times over the years has Murphy's Law been around in this hobby. As a result we always have to look over our shoulder and double check everything to make sure he is not around. When my nephews were still in elementary school one of them brought me a kit of a Pt109. Nice kit for the time and asked me to help him build it. I spent the next few weeks of vacation helping him out. Murphy showed up when I was not looking. I was showing him how to detail with a brush and left the room. I came back and he had switched from a bottle of testors enamel to their bottle of liquid glue. Needless to say I am not sure whose face was more surprised his or mine. When you are 7yrs old it is all a game. David B
  7. What are you using to cut your parts with and what kind of stop are you using. David B
  8. Once you get a vacuum hooked up it will run even better. Does not have to be a shop vac. I have a small Shark canister. I have to change the bag more often but the people upstairs are not breakng down my door. David B
  9. I am glad they worked out for you Xuron makes high quality tools. David B
  10. I would love to take her out on the pond. How much did the RC gear set you back? David B
  11. Soak the deck for a little while then clamp and tape it down over night. After that check the fit. The less stress the better. I am partial to wood glue and 5 min epoxy myself. David B
  12. Do not feel bad. You are not the first nor the last to make this error. Many years ago I made a mistake on a template transposing ww1 with ww3 I did not catch it until after I got started in the shaping. David B
  13. There is an old adage when working in a small scale. If it looks too big it probably is. David B
  14. I have seen it done several times over the years and it does make a difference. No more measles. Years ago I saw a real nice model of the clipper Flying Fish but the trunnels could be seen though the case at a distance of about 4ft. Not good. David B
  15. Congratulations. Sit back and have a shot and relax. David B
  16. The reason I made this comment was that a scale of 1:96 or smaller trunnels if not done correctly give a bad case of maritime measles. I have seen this disease at shows to many times. At my scale or smaller you should only be aware of them if you squint and look very carefully. This is only a thought at the moment. I have seen it done beautifully on a 1:192 HMS Fubbs years ago at the time I did not have my camera which was a shame. But under a glass you could just barely make them out. Since the circle was with the grain you would have thought he actually cut and installed the plugs. David B
  17. Yes, but before you go call ahead to see if they have the equipment. The one in Skokie IL had one but every store is different. David B
  18. Using a spokeshave takes practice and it has to be sharp. I am not that good with them so I use my finger plane. However, for larger objects once you learn how to use one you may never look back. David B
  19. You will also find this stuff in any sporting place or outdoor place. Dicks. Sportmart etc. You will be a kid in a candy store. David B
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