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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Your steps came out great. I knew you could do it. David B
  2. Lovely job on the hull. Your planks are nice and tight and even. David B
  3. Your Xebec is coing along fine. I have always liked unique models. David B
  4. There is only one flaw with such a nice outfit. Your model has to be flawless. It will not only show the errors but magnify them. I doubt if I would have the courage to set one up David B
  5. Looking good. This will keep you out of trouble or give you the shakes. Which will it be? David b
  6. My only problem with this print is actually doing the narrowing. My sense of depth has never been good so on an average I take off a little too much and have to start over. The person who can figure out how to do this easly and market it would probably be called a hero. David B
  7. You make installing look easy. But with my ham fists I would have to use tweazers to put everything in. David B
  8. Nice work as always Dan. And congrats on having another little one you can play with. David B
  9. If I thought I would not get shot, I would drop by and take her out on the lake. David B
  10. Lovely looking hull. I know inside the hull should be painted, however all she needs is a stripe along the waterline. David B
  11. Have you experimented with Future Floor Wax? While I have rarely used it some people who have were pleased with the end result. Why not try a test sample? David B
  12. Karl, when working on a Billings there is nothing wrong with thinking outside the box, David B
  13. Nice and clean with good joinery what is there not to like. Bravo. Instead of a working schooner I would use it as a yacht. David B
  14. A fellow modeler I know who goes for 1/350 WWII once told me that a well done coat of paint and hide a hundred mistakes. David B
  15. My experience with A.L. is not to good as well. I found the wood inferior or so dried out as to be useless. The bulkheads on one kit had to be replaced because they delaminated and split. Over all they make a nice model but be prepared to do extra work to make them usable. David B
  16. I think you are doing a bang up job Dan. Pretty soon you will become the Longboat mentor and everyone will be asking you questions. Keep upo the great work. David B
  17. If possible make a fixture that will hold up the sides of the ladders. Once you are sure they are properly aligned try dry fitting the steps in. Widening the slot a little if you have to once together glue the entire thing up. There are other ways, however this might be the easiest way to do the job without making them. David B
  18. Looking good plus you did a nifty job of planking so as a result you will have a nice looking hull withought painting. David B
  19. One of the things that will help you isthe surface tension of your line. Even if it is the smallets diameter you can find it may still have a memory. Let the line soak in some washing detergent ot softener. Once you rinse it and let dry this might help out tremendously. David B
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