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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Hi all, Not a lot of shipyard time over the Easter Weekend, with house guests taking up most of my time/attention. Have managed a little progress with the Yards though. I've added the octagonal sections to the yard centres, as well as the Quarter Boom irons (for the stunsl booms). I decided to add both Sling Cleats and Stop Cleats to the yards. These are not catered for within the kit instructions, but following the advice in Longridge (pp 199 - 203 and associated diagrams), I was able to work out what was needed and make up a spreadsheet to convert all the sizes to my scale of 1:90. Adding these details at this scale presented something of a challenge, and so in some cases, there will be the "suggestion" of an item rather than the fact (for example the Snatch Blocks on the topsail yards). While I am sure that Remco would likely be able to produce a working facsimile at this scale, we mere mortals will have to settle for an approximation. Pics below to show some of the hardware added. All the yards have now received their first coat of paint. After painting, there are a "few" blocks to strop and add before fitting to the masts.
  2. Hi Aldo, Great to see an update - and what a way to make an entrance! Your April Fool's joke got us all I think!!! Nice work on the bitts, but I'm inclined to agree that the first version with the sheaves looked pretty darn good too. And sneaking over to the dark side too I see. Well, if life wasn't already busy enough for you, it will be now!
  3. Hi Augie, Welcome - grab some popcorn from Sjors and take a seat! Thanks for the good words. I've been enjoying your build for a while now and it's good to see others at about the same building stage. Different ships maybe, but the problems (and solutions) are often the same.
  4. Thanks for dropping in Guy and offering your opinion on oxidisation of copper.
  5. Thanks for stopping by Aldo and the kind words of encouragement. Hope to see an update on your Peggy Sue soon!
  6. Impeccable work as always Alexandru - just outstanding!
  7. Nice to see your log back Clare. This is a really interesting build - I'm glad you've decided to re-post.
  8. Hey Aldo - 'bout time for an update my friend! And you-know-who will be wanting pictures to go with it!
  9. Hi Kevin, Good to hear that some of your earlier re-work is starting to pay off for you - that must be a good feeling. She's looking great!
  10. Nice to see your update Sjors, she's looking mighty fine! Can't wait to see your start on the rigging......
  11. Hi Ben, Nice to be here for the start of your "darkside" career. If your kit building standards are anything to go by, then we're in for a real treat with this.
  12. Very nice work Ryland, supported by excellent photography. I have this kit in the cupboard, so it's nice to have an excellent log like yours for reference.
  13. It's a real pleasure to look at any of your work Rusty. I don't know how you manage to keep so many on the go at once!
  14. Brilliant idea for the gratings Mark. I'll surely be filing that one away!
  15. Looking great Mobbsie. Your "trademark" certainly adds a point of difference for you. If you like it, then stick with it - you're the Captain after all!
  16. John, In the Mamoli kit, the "copper" plates are simulated by wood tiles which have been given a green finish. The idea is that once they have been applied to the hull and given a very light sanding, you then apply copper paint and sand that back lightly so that some of the green shows through. This gives an aged "patina" to it. I was dubious about this, but went ahead with it anyway. As you can see from the photos, it comes up pretty well in the end. Hope this helps.
  17. Well done Dan. The other side will be done before you know it.
  18. That's really cool Gil. You're certainly setting the standard! The Gold Standard, that is!!!
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