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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Thanks Michael and Steven. In the meantime, I decided to apply trenails to the entire hull. Knowing myself : If I do not do this, then I will regret it later.
  2. Good luck with your build. Swedish breakfast, with herring, is indeed very tasty.
  3. Thanks Zappto, I use ramin for the hull. This was a leftover of wood from when we built our house 25 years ago. I do not think that this quality of ramin is still available. What is now sold as ramin is much softer wood. Al the other wood is cherry.
  4. Planking the front side of the for castle. Everything went according to plan. Until I discovered a mistake. How could I miss something as stupid as this? On one side I'm 3 mm (slightly less than 1 / 8th inch) out of center. Fortunately, the adhesive was not completely cured. So, cutting with a Stanley knife and breaking apart was still posible. Sawing the frame so that it can bend. gluing and clamping Back to planking again and treenailing. Ready Thanks for following
  5. The stempost is also reconstructed. To be honest... The first attempt was not really a success and did not survive the construction process of the hull. He was broken off and is now made new again. After sanding and put into the right shape (planking of the forcastle is started). Thanks for following
  6. The construction of the holes for the anchor cable. As mentioned earlier, on most ships from this time I only find 2 holes (1 on each side). For the dimensions and appearance I based myself on drawings and paintings from that time.
  7. And welcome from Belgium Thanks for sponsering
  8. And welcome from Belgium
  9. mounting wheels A wash with thinned Black paint some metal parts are made shiny with a pencil Numbered and tagged, finished Thank you for following this build
  10. And a warm welcome from belgium
  11. apply rust and 24h drying And a final dry brushing with a sand color. Everything is ready to assemble the wheels
  12. apply decals The crosses from the kit are not good (not symetric). Others are used from the parts box. First a layer of matte varnish apply decal Add a layer of varnish again. In 30 years, no decal has come loose on my models.
  13. Painting the model First i wash te model with water and soap, and let dry base color : panzer grey Let it dry for 24 hours. Then dry brushing : lighter grey Again, let dry for 24 hours. And then painting tires, wooden parts and metal parts.
  14. Roger, The frame antenna serves for long-distance communication (FU = Funk = "radio") It looks that a few of these vehicles were equipped with additional radios and the accompanying antenna during the war. Depending on the type of radio, this was for communication with the commander and / or airforce support. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_Communications_of_the_German_Army_WW2 The disadvantage of these large antennas was that they were very visible. Later in the war, the frame antenna was replaced by a less visible "star" antenna. Because these vehicles became priority targets for the enemy (he who can not communicate with the headquarters can not ask for support or send information about the enemy). General info, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADGZ Thanks for asking And everyone thanks for the likes and to follow
  15. The last details have been applied The wheels have been cleaned up and the model is now ready to paint
  16. continuation : Mounting the antenna Additional toolboxes The barrel of the cannon has been drilled out Armament placed. 3 MGs and a 20mm gun The hull and turret are almost ready thanks for watching
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