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Everything posted by Tigersteve

  1. Best of luck in your project. I shall follow along too. No shame in borrowing ideas from others. Steve
  2. Looking really good at this point. I agree your treenailing effect is subtle. I think you are having trouble with the look of the transom because the colors are more vibrant than the NMM version and not as subtle. You have it on nice and clean though. Steve
  3. Looks great and nice case. What are the dimensions and price if you don't mind me asking? Steve
  4. Bulkhead centers were removed with the needle file shown below. The process went smoothly. Inboard fairing is moving along. We're just about 1/16" thickness all around. I'd like to get it closer to 1/32". I'm back and forth between sandpaper and my rotary tool with a sanding disk attachment. Steve
  5. I really think it's all about having a positive attitude and patience. We set our own limits. Steve
  6. Agreed- the Pinnace is harder to plank. I felt the length and shape contributed to its difficulty. B.E., from what I've seen of everyone's logs of the Cheerful, Chuck designed this one foolproof! I think with your skills you'll have no problem with it. Steve
  7. Your kind words are much appreciated. Thank you everyone for the likes. Below is a better photo of the finish. Steve
  8. Completed planking. Several rounds of sanding concluded with 400 grit sandpaper and Wipe on Poly. I do like the look of the maple when finished. I am disappointed with the outcome of the repairs and this planking result. I think there were several mistakes leading to this such as impatience, oversanding, and not properly fairing the hull at the bow, The Pinnace is much more difficult to plank than the Longboat. I think the length and shape of the hull make it difficult to plank. There are several twists and turns as a result. So the question we must ask is this: do we redo? If I was building this as one of the boats for my Confederacy, I would redo. However, after three months of planking this, I will move forward. To get the planking to the level I want would force me to start the entire planking over. I'm looking forward to the more fun parts of this project. Steve
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