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Everything posted by Tigersteve

  1. The thwarts were recut and scrap wood was used to keep the proper spacing according to the plans. The grooves were made with a hand razor saw and miter box. After all thwarts were cut and placed, I used a scrap piece of the same width to mark the center lines for the longboard. The notches were filed last. Here's a photo after two coats of Wipe-on-Poly. I plan to glue all this together prior to installation. Steve
  2. Thanks everyone! I will remake some of the thwarts. Mike is correct. They should butt up against the frames. Installed the stern post, cockpit seats, and seat supports. Steve
  3. Thought I'd take a small break from painting to dry-fit all parts again. While there are several more coats that need to be applied, I believe it's getting closer to an acceptable finish. In this dry-fit I am looking at the thwarts and questioning if they butt up against the frames enough. I feel I may need to redo these so they butt up against the frames more. Any thoughts fellow Pinnace builders? Will this be a problem during inboard planking? Steve
  4. Volume 3 will be a good investment for many of us. I'm happy to purchase your book in support of your thorough research on this massive rig and to complete the set! Steve
  5. 1/16" x 1/32" maple strips were soaked in hot water for several minutes to create the curved base moulding around the supports. 1/8" x 1/32" maple strips were used for the vertical moulding. Some minor adjustments are needed before installation. Steve
  6. Thank you Mike and everyone for the likes. It seems like it should be a quick project, but that's not the case. The modifications I'm adding are not necessary, but I think they add something unique to the project. Can you believe Model Expo has this kit listed as "entry level" on their revised website?! Steve
  7. The cockpit seat supports were shaped with the rotory tool, sandpaper, and files, With one completed, I was able to trace its profile onto the other to make the shaping easier. The moulding is next before I add any paint. Steve
  8. The thwarts were sized and cut after I made templates out of index cards. There will be grooves notched into them and the longboard running down the center. This board will be sectioned off and lay flush, in-between the thwarts following Chuck's Barge example. Under construction are the supports for the cockpit seats. They will be similar to the example shown in my November 18th post. Steve
  9. Glad you're starting this one. You are so right- not many logs on this one. This one for me is more difficult than the longboat kit. Both great kits though. Steve
  10. Best of luck on your project. Great instructions on this one. Thank you also for the kind words. Steve
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