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Everything posted by tlevine

  1. I use Elmer's wood putty. I would recommend a color a few shades darker than your first planking layer. This helps the high and low spots stand out more prior to sanding. Drywall joint compound or Spackle will not accept wood glue very well. I have never tried Bondo.
  2. I found a couple of old pictures from early in the rigging process. The pics are low quality as they were taken with a 1st generation digital camera. Hope this helps your decision making process.
  3. I built this kit several years ago. It makes up into a nice build out of the box. I kit-bashed it rather severely using Longridge's book and the series of articles from SIS. My suggestion...go for it! First, decide whether you want to build it as-is or kit-bashed. Either way, get the articles by Gene McClure in SIS. Kurt posted links to the articles here http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/12994-ships-in-scale-magazine-articles/. The biggest problem is that the pieces are printed on fairly low quality plywood which is prone to splintering. I replaced several of these with pieces cut from basswood. The walnut vernier meant nothing to me because I painted her. As far as resale value, next to none.
  4. Yes, sir, it has. It won't stay that way long. I have a question about the foremost swivel gun mount. Should it be perpendicular to the water line or in line with the hull configuration?
  5. Work progresses on the forecastle framing and installing the catheads. There are two 9" sheaves in the cathead. These were made by drilling a series of holes along the length of the sheave opening perpendicular to the water line and then connecting the holes with an 11 blade. The sheaves were made from round brass stock, cut off on the Preac saw. These were then drilled for a pin. The cathead was also drilled and after blackening the sheaves and pin was inserted. The cathead was inserted under the third beam and glued into place. Then the second beam with its associated knees were installed. Bolts were inserted through the two beams into the cathead. The first beam was then installed. Finally, the knee between the first and second beams was installed. This was initially fabricated as one piece. With the cathead in place, the middle portion of the knee was removed for a snug fit. Carlings were inserted between the deck clamp and the first beam to support the bowsprit partner. Mortises were made for the half hook laterally and the partner medially. Finally, the half hoods and partner were installed. I have been practicing carving the cap for the cathead. Let us just say that it is a work in progress...
  6. Now comes a scary part, cutting a hole into the hull. Mark the location for the hole based on the plan. Since the port side is fully planked I had to cut out a segment of the frieze and some of the molding. On the starboard side I removed a piece of ribband and one frame top. Once the cathead is installed, I will replace that frame top and secure it with filler pieces on either side. The cathead is inserted at an angle so the opening is directed downwards. Referring back to the plan, note the angle that the cathead takes, insert it into the hole in the hull and place it under the third beam. Mark the beam location on the cathead and cut out the mortise in the cathead. Replace the cathead and temporarily place the second beam assembly on the deck clamp. Mark this beam location on the cathead and cut the mortise for this beam as well. On my ship, possibly because of my previous measurement errors, the cathead crosses very close to the deck clamp. As a result I needed to notch both the first beam and the under surface of the cathead to get it into place. The unexpected benefit of this is that it locks everything securely into place. With the cathead secured, the outboard face was sanded to make it perpendicular to the water line. All the exposed edges were chamfered and the aft end was smoothed over, following the angle of the third beam. Still to go are the holes for the sheaves, the sheaves themselves and the decorative cap.
  7. I will try and demonstrate how I made the cathead. Sorry for the picture quality but I was more interested in showing the technique than in cleaning up the model after each step. I went to the plan to determine the length and lateral bend of the cathead. TFFM has an excellent drawing of the upward angle. Because of the size of wood available to me I decided to transfer the drawing from TFFM onto a piece of 0.375 wood and cut this out on the scroll saw. I cut this overlong for final sizing later. After that was done, I drew the lateral bend from the plan onto the blank. Please remember, these are mirror images of each other. As you can see, the port is cathead is already notched for the beams. My goal was to make them as similar to each other as possible.
  8. Thanks everyone for your support. Greg, I still have the sheaves to mess up so don't jinx me.
  9. The model is stunning. It's unusual to see four different Arizona modelers on the same page. Now all you need is someone from Tucson and Flagstaff.
  10. Work has started on the cat head. This one piece has taken me over three hours to plan and fabricate. I still have to install the sheaves and finish sand it. I will show a few pictures today and will describe the steps of construction as I make the starboard one.
  11. Beautiful work on the captain. I am envious of your workbench. All I have is the kitchen table.
  12. What is that saying... A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Thank you for sharing this with us.
  13. Thanks for the moral support,gentlemen. And thanks to everyone for the likes. I promise, the next ship will have the correct length!
  14. There has been a little progress over the last few weeks. Unfortunately, most of it has been backwards, not forwards. It is time to make the lodging and hanging knees for the forecastle. There are no pillars for these beams. The knees are made of 4.5" stock. They are fairly straightforward to make except that there is no hanging knee associated with the beam over the gun port (between beams 5 and 6). Needless to say, I goofed and cut the lodging knees for the hanging knee insertion. I replaced the starboard knee but left the port one since it will be planked over. Next, I started taking some measurements...and then some more measurements...and then some more measurements. I have become one of the many victims of cumulative error. The photocopied plan which was glued to the building board when this project was started is positioned 9" too far forward, so although all my measurements taken from the dead flat are correct, everything taken from the fore and aft extreme lines is off by 9". Additionally, the location of the cap rails is 4" too high. None of this is truly a big deal from a construction of the hull perspective, although it will be a slightly different ship than constructed in 1775. The problem is that the bowsprit sits at a shallower angle and would cut through the foremost beam. Happily, I was not planning on masting her anyway. After this discovery and the frustration associated it there was only one thing to do. Walk away, have a cold one and come back the next day. Hopefully there will not be any more surprises down the road. I moved the first two beams from the proposed layout in TFFM to prevent a hanging knee from interfering with the fore port opening. All the lodging knees and the first set of hanging knees are in place and tack-glued. The most difficult hanging knee is the one on the fore side of beam 2. The cant is this area is significant so there was a lot of trial and error fitting this in place. The cattail still needs to be made and this cuts through one of the lodging knees and articulates with one of the beams so nothing will be secured until this is installed.
  15. Didn't hurt at all, Druxey. The embarrassing thing is that it took someone else to point it out to me. That is the beauty of MSW. We are a community that really cares for the quality of work presented.
  16. Thank you for pointing the discrepancy out Mr. Rotten. Oh well, back to the carving board!
  17. Thank you Albert and Druxey. And also thanks for all the likes. The next thing to attack was the drift rail and their scrolls. This is the topmost decorative rail and runs on the top edge of the frieze. It is interrupted by the channel brackets and swivel gun mounts. It is made in the usual fashion with the pattern carved into a razor blade. Now it gets interesting. The rail drops down between the fifth and sixth gunports. A rounded corner was needed to accommodate this drop. There is nothing terribly difficult about this or the scrolls. It is time consuming and fiddly but not hard to accomplish. I traced the shape on a wood blank and scraped the straight section with the razor. Then I carved the corner piece with tiny chisels and needle files. I would suggest to anyone doing this to make the vertical limb over-long at this point as it is prone to tear-out. One the shape was correct I fit it to the lower section of rail already in place with a 45 degree miter. The scrolls were approached similarly. The shape was traced out on a blank and roughly shaped with chisels and an eleven blade. This blank was glued onto the back of a piece of sandpaper. The sandpaper helped prevent slippage on my cutting board during the shaping process. The straight section was scraped and the scroll was cut in. The thickness of the scroll diminishes as it drops down and increases again at the "ball". For the aft scroll this means that from 11:00 to 6:00 the thickness tapers in and from 6:00 to 3:00 it tapers out to the original thickness. Sorry about the picture quality. They actually look better than the pictures suggest.
  18. Group projects for entire ships or boats are problematic for all the reasons presented here. Having said that, I built the longboat because it was a group build and put my other projects on hold during the building process. I would not have done that if the anticipated build time was months or years, rather than weeks. I like the idea of a group build of a specific part of a ship, whether this is a sail, capstan, wheel or stove. I definitely would participate in a group for carving.
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