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Posts posted by garyshipwright

  1. Thanks Druxey and Oliver. Well who know's, maybe if I practice a bit more I just may get good at it, taking pictures that is. The table is a blessing. It has height adjustment and tilt now and its a back saver. Wish I had done this years ago and really getting lot's of use out of it .  Really make's working on her a lot more enjoyable. Again thanks guy's. 

  2. Thanks Dan and your very welcome. Hopefully with all the good ideal's from the member's ,this will help you now and in the future along with getting a chance to see other's table and shop's and plant ideal's for you to enjoy building.  Belive it or not my first work bench was two 4x4 and a couple of  pieces of plywood that made up the top and a shelf below it.  Enjoy the site good sir. .

  3. Thought I would add some close up photo's of Montague.  I was on the NRG site and came across the article by Kurt on taking photo's of ones work and figure I needed to practice  a bit. Guess I have to find a little space for a photo booth when  taking good photo's of my ship.  Well guys one day maybe I get the hang of taking good photo's, hope you enjoy the close up. Gary







  4. Hi Dan welcome to the club. As others have said it depend's on the room you have. Am lucky to have a two car garage and a extension I added on to make more room for my stuff. As far as work benches and desk looking at other people shops help you in figuring that out about what you want. Am always asking some one for photo's of their shop, some times just to see their shop which also helps me use their ideals for things in it must like work benches. I have never had any one say know and we all like showing were we spend are time working on our hobby's.  When I built my hobby desk I used Woodsmith plan of their small scale Hobby Bench which is on the cover. It reminded me of a jeweler workbench, and I have alway's wanted one. Nice thing about building your own is what you can add and the detail you put in to it.  I also have a 8 foot wood worker bench. My 74 has its on workbench and is much to big to build it on the hobby bench. Her work bench is height adjustable and I just added a tilting to it that allows me to tilt it one way or the other. Really is nice for  working inside the hull.  The Woodsmith  issue is Vol 37, No 219 Dated June/July2015.  Forgive for the mess. Gary




  5. Hi guy's. Here's a update on the build but this time it is more about her building board. I add a way of being able to tilt her from side to side  which helps keep the back in tack and a lot easier getting to thing's.  I worked on a couple of hanging knee's and being tilted made it a lot better.  I can't take the Credit for it which goes to  Alan/AON and the tech info on it. Hope you enjoy the pictures and any question will be more then happy to answer them






  6. Morning Giampiero and thank you. I like the boxwood light color and wish I had built her gun deck with it but hindsight is 20 20. The pear does show up nicely. She does have a few different wood's in her and hope my son wil get some enjoyment out of her in the future.  Once again thank you,. Thanks  Bitao and Druxey.  Glad you guys like her and hope to do even better on her in the future. Getting the lower deck some what done, it's giving me  a push to get more done on her, that and having you guy's push me forward.  I do get a lot of enjoyment out of looking at her, and thanks again. Gary

  7. Bitao have a question for you . Was wondering how you go about  cutting the notches in to your beams and carling's? Very outstanding build you have and enjoy visiting and seeing how your coming along on her.  Clearly shows the talent behind the building so keep up the very detail work.  Brings a smile to my face ever time I see your update's. Gary

  8. Hi Bruce d. I did finally get a reply which came from Henry Kriegstein late Friday but didn't get to it till today. Took the family to Cincinnati and just got a chance to look at it.  It helped me answer question about pillar's in the manger and was it possible that they may of been used as roller's for the messenger. I was excited to see this in their book, the pillar's in the  manger but  looked to be holding up the beams and not what you think of as rollers. Hard to really make it out from the picture for sure.  I would post it but would have to ask the Kriegstein first to make sure its ok.  If your interested let me know please and will ask them if it ok.  Gary 

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