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Posts posted by garyshipwright

  1. Thank you very much Steve. She is my baby thats for sure . Why else would one spend 20 years with her. 😊  She doesn't have a stain good sir just a couple of coats of bee's wax mixed with turpentine. Welcome to the site, you couldn't find a better place any were on the internet.  Allan if you need to steal my log to welcome a new member you go right ahead and look forward to your next update. Gary

  2. I took a look Ben and must say am impressed. You building board reminds me of the one on my 74 as far as the outside rail's. I didn't have them for the longest time and if I had them when I started her, would of come in real handy. Think it was 19 years ago, maybe a couple of year's after I finished Richard up which I believe it was 98. Probably spent the in between time to figure out what I wanted to build next. 

  3. Hi Richard. I have the dewalt scroll saw, and three table saws. A ten inch cabinet saw from grizzly, Jim saw with a new 18"x 10" table top and a Preac saw for cutting grating and other parts. My Jim saw get's a lot of use compared to the other two and really enjoy using it. I would recommend the dewalt scroll saw and the Jim saw. Can't do with out them that's for sure. Also have the sherline lathe and mill which the mill gets the most used between the two. Gary

  4. Thanks JJ, working on the progress part as we speak. Was wonder what other's such as your self was using and what size's.  That's one of the thing's that I wish I did with Alfred's build board  and made the build table 4 to 5 inches longer. I purchased a Rockler T-Track table top, which is 28"x 40" and was wonder if the length would work.  Had it for awhile and couldn't figure out what to use it for untill now.  Been sitting on the work bench  so hopeful I won't have to go out and buy another build board. With the track's built in should be a big help with keeping it all squared up.  Also thanks for the welcome. 


  5.  Thanks Trussben and Chuck.  Don't mind using your size Trussben but what thickness is it? Chuck this will come in very handy and very helpful. Also, was wondering where I can find some good  photo's of the Stern before any planking is put on. Hope that some of the member's show me the way. Very curious about how you or other member's built it up. One thing about the stern it can make you have a really bad day. Seems am like a fish out of water and if you must know have never really built a plank on bulkhead model. Tried once but that ended up in the round file. Thanks. Gary

  6. Well I have finally pulled the plug and decided to start a build log on building the Winchelsea while also working on my 74. Why some will ask, some  times it's nice when you don't have to make all the parts and piece's, but she still have a lot of parts and pieces to make along with the ones that Chuck makes for her. Some call her a kit but I would say 50 50, and  to me it still takes as much skill and understanding to build her as well as a 74.  May take a little time to get her up and running but am working on that.  I can't seem to find the answer to how long , wide and thick does the build board need to be? I came across that the hull length which is 38 inches so a  length of 42 to 46 inches would be just about right. Tomorrow I plan on going to have the plan's blown up to a 100 percent which should help me figure out the size of the build board along with other question I have, and then I can start cutting and make the bulkheads along with the her Bulkhead former.  Glad to be aboard. Gary

  7. Well its been Twenty years since I purchase my Byrnes table saw. Brought one of his earlier one, when he first came out with them. Been happy with it every since. Felt like a kid waiting on Santa to bring my toy and put it under the tree. Of course it never did make it under the tree. 🤪 I did get a email from Jim saying that he was about ready to start mailing them out and not long after that the real boss sent me one saying it might be a couple of weeks out, and she was right.  I got a email from Donna, who is a outstanding Lady, letting me know that it was going to be a few week's longer before Jim  finally got them ready to be shipped out. Well lets say the next couple of week's were a lot like setting on pin's and needle's , and finally a big box arrived at the house.  It is a heck of a machine and has been the best investment in to the hobby.  Any way I saw Jim's new table top back in 2017, believe that when I noticed it, but wasn't till now July 2022, that I took my saw table top off and sent it back to Jim to be replaced with the bigger table top and it's outstanding, well worth the money and will get many years of use. Wish I had done this back in 2017 but some times a couple of months turns in to year's.  Its a outstanding  table top and not sure what else I can say and if you have the saw you know what and how good that machine really is. In fact all their machines are great. It really brings a lot more to the table and with the extra length one can put the sliding table on with out having to remove the fence, cut what you need, remove the sliding table  and go back to using you fence.  Its very easy to remove and replace the fence when using the sliding table before, but even better when you don't have to. Guess you can call me just a little on the lazy side. Donna was telling me about what they did to improve the table top  finish's which I have found to look nice but item's seem to slide easier on it.  Donna  said I was going to love the new top and she was 100 percent right. Of course didn't have the heart to tell her that I have been in love with that saw since I got it, hum maybe I did.🙄   If you thinking about replacing the table top then do it and if you can afford the saw get the one that has the 18 x 10 table top. Guarantee you will be a very very happy camper I am that's for sure. Another thing about Jim and Donna, great  great customer care and other then making outstanding machine, they really know how to pack them for shipping.  Gary




  8. Alan , Rif put out 4 books of the British Warships in the in the age of sail, one through 1603-1714, 1714-1792, 1793-1817.1817-1863, all of them have a ton of info on the British warship. I do believe that  he also join up with David Lyon to put out one on the Stream ships.  I went looking for his other books and talk about being very expensive, his 1603- 1714 would cost you $5899.97. Of course you could get one a lot cheaper  on Amazon for 734.99. 😭They sure are not getting any cheaper that's for sure. Gary

  9. 3 hours ago, AON said:

    The documents mentioned in my above posting are ADM 52/2752, ADM 52/2779 and ADM 52/3359.

    I never thought there was anything but the 74 guns.  I never searched further once I found she wasn't on the list of ships issued carronades.

    Then I discovered the swivel guns.

    Now there are the carronades.

    So short answer is no I hadn't but now I shall.

    How did you know they mentioned the guns before got your hands on copies?  were they posted on PRO to read?

    The info is in the History of English Sea ordnance by Caruana. On page 237 he gives the PRO WO 51-291 as his reference. He does state that Alfred had a complete set of Carronades as well, including  eighteen 9 pound carronades. He goes on to say Rare though it was, there was a 9-pdr carronade, but it was presumably a civilian piece never officially adopted by the Navy. I always look in the back of the book's to see what they use as a reference and try to get that reference. Some times  it work's  out, other times its out of range as far as the cost goes.    

  10. Alan just a question for you. When I was doing  more research on Alfred, which of course I have not ,stop I was searching the Public Record Office, better know as PRO, lead me to WO51/291/882H which lead me to info on what guns Alfred carried and ADM 51/34 1056 44 which was her log books  I believe, around the 1780's. This is when I was looking for info on the lathorn in the magazine.  I went through your build and couldn't find that you may of used these, hope they are of some help.  Gary

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