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Everything posted by skifflake

  1. Nice Eric. I will also be watching. Pat in Canada
  2. Hi Again Sarah: I might mention there is a lot of great advice above especially from John in Stanford. I have been restoring old models for the past five year and you can preview just a few on my profile pictures. also make sure you save a few for you and your family. I have a new six month old grandson and my plan is not only to teach him about model building but also the importance of preserving of saving a piece of history. thank you Sarah. Pat
  3. Hi Sarah: So sorry to hear about your dad. I'm 67 now and have building models for over 40 years. If you visit my post you will see my brief story about my poor eye sight and a little shake in my hands. I walked away from building until one day I was at an estate sale where several models were available. My first thought was the time and pleasure some had building these models. Some were in bad shape but I could not lease them behind. I purchased all of the and each model I restored and brought them back to life. The long and short of this I was saving a piece of history. What ever you do make sure they fall into the hands of people that will appreciate this very important and value piece of history. Your father would be very proud knowing someone else could love these models as much as he did. I live just across the boarder at Houlton Maine and do have many family members in West Port and Wilton. Thank you Sarah and if you don't mind I will follow along with you. Pat at Skiff Lake
  4. Welcome aboard Jesse. I will be watching from Canada...
  5. I will be watching from Canada. Thanks Karl. Pat
  6. Hi Doug: I'm still watching. You will figure it out. The more you build the more lessons you will learn. I went through all of this and one day I started a new build and everything I had learned in the past all came together and I ended up with a beautiful boat. When I look at it oday I'm still amazed I actual built it. You will see so keep going. Pat at Skiff Lake NB
  7. Hi Jack: Use acrylic paint and yes, I would prime first and sand to remove any imperfections. Stick with a medium gloss or even high gloss as the finish will really pop out. You probably see a numbers of builds on this site. What is the name on you kit. Plank or solid. Pat Skiff Lake NB
  8. Hi Bob: Will keep watching your build. I'm from Canada but spend a few months in Largo each winter. Bought a place there five years ago and love it. Lets keep in touch. Pat at Skiff Lake
  9. Welcome George. Keep me posted and I will watch. Pat at skiff lake
  10. Doug: I would use a round sanding bit on your Dermal. Try it on low speed first and keep a steady hand. Go lightly and try not to gouge or over sand. Pat
  11. Welcome. I live just down the road. Skiff Lake NB. Pat
  12. Hi Mike: Just getting on board. I to will be watching. thank you from Skiff Lake, New Brunswick...Pat
  13. Graham: Absolutely beautiful. I will be watching your progress. Thanks From Atlantic Canada, Pat
  14. Hi Doug from Atlantic Canada: Keep updating me. I have actually built this twice. Looking forward..... Pat
  15. Derek: $1000 is not expensive if this is the model you desire to build. Remember, after three years and you have completed the project you will stand back and say it was well worth it. If you proceed let me know as I want to follow you from Atlantic Canada. Go for it.... Pat
  16. Hi Dave: I will also be following. Looking forward......
  17. i just joined last week and my next proguct is to figure out how to post a restoration project. Check my profile and you will get my story. After 40 years of building wood model kits my eyes were not the best and my hands shook a little to much for the fine detail. I just found an early 1900-1920 model that needs a complete make over. This is for all the guys and gals that have laid down their tools. You all have the experence so why not find an old boat and save a piece of history. It may no...

  18. Hi Mike: looks like a great project I have tagged follow you link and will be watching. Pat
  19. Hi Mike: If you build in the past you never loose the urge to go back. I live just up the road, just 10 minutes across the boarder from Houlton ME at Skiff Lake, New Brunswick. Let's keep in touch. Pat
  20. Hi: My name is Pat. Can you tell me how to add info and pictures to my profile. I want to be an active member. Thank you.

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