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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. Don’t sell yourself short. It is easier than it looks. Just find the correct size replacement, clean up damaged site. Fit replacement and glue it. If you can’t find the exact correct size, remove it all and replace it on both sides.
  2. You can fix that break. Get some plastic strips that size at your local hobby shop and replace the break.
  3. Looks like you used the Master Korabel Small boat kits. I did the same thing. Love the look.
  4. A little sanding will get that fit fixed. Many kits have these sort of issues. Look at it as a learning experience and a exercise in problem solving. A problem solving gift that keeps on giving. You’ll get through it just keep a lot of sand paper and #11 blades on hand. Just yesterday I was attaching pre shaped planking to the side of a small boat kit and as I cut a piece loose I launched that sucker into the parts black hole that seems to exist in my shop. Had to make a new piece. Ten years ago I just would have thrown it in the fire but each kit and it’s associated issues and solutions really helps. Have fun with it.
  5. True that. I look at my own habits and really all I use out of the kit are the bulkheads and former for the most part.
  6. Try some watered down white glue after the glue stick has set up.
  7. Check Craig’s list for a used one. I have a Delta but three are many other fine brands.
  8. Think that is pushing it but good luck. The fastest I have ever built one was 6 months and that was 6 hours a day 7 days a week.
  9. Have to give that a try. Good tip.
  10. Tom she is beautiful. Great paint job. One of the things I find easier is rig it off the boat. I get all the blocks, Standing and Running rigging attached before hand. I work from fore aft and bottom up. I have broken off bow spirits before, usually whilst trying to run a line through a block or a fairlead. Learned my lesson about the third time. Now I rig in my third hand.
  11. I pour mine in a plastic container with a lid and use it over and over and over. No worries
  12. Eugene the Phoenix I purchased through Model Expo has the instructions in English but no English name plate.
  13. On my build list. Greenstone would it it be possible to add a nameplate in English to your kits?
  14. Your deck and copper strips look outstanding. Great job on re-working your stamp.
  15. Copper plating is no big deal really. You just start at the bottom by the rudder work forward and up. Over lap each course by half. I do a finish band about a quarter down the final course to make things look more finished. Others may have other techniques this is mine.
  16. I don’t really sell them as of yet. PM me the dimensions and I’ll see what I can do.
  17. Welcome aboard James. Being a born and bred LSU Tiger fan I won’t comment on the Crimson Tide, always thought that was a form of fish killing algae. 😂🤣😂. The members of this site are a great bunch, always helpful never denigrating. Very, very rare in today’s world. We even love guys from Alabama.
  18. Number two is not an issue even if you cut through it still works. We are working on the clarity issue as we agree with you. We are thinking instead of 45 degrees going with 47 degrees to leave a small void that would get filled by the adhesive. In a large case the waste is not waste, it is used on other projects like small cases.
  19. 6. Contact AL about replacement.
  20. Yep looks much better. Little filler, little more sanding and perfecto. Great first job. Once it is painted black or copper foiled it will all blend right in.
  21. Go to your local Beauty Supply store and pick up some Emory boards that they use in Nail Salons. They are wide, washable and different grits. The grits are designated by color. Black center is like a 100 grit, Blue center 180 grit and yellow is 220. Much gentler than a metal file
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