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Jim Rogers

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. I bought the small boat kit from eBay and it was shipped from Russia. The Cannon Jolle I purchased through ModelExpo and it had English instructions.
  2. I would like to commend Master Korabel for their exceptional service. Within an hour I had the English instructions I requested. Thank you Greenstone. I am finishing up the Cannon Jolle and this is next in the queue.
  3. Hi Greenstone, I just received this boat in the mail. Looks like a great little kit. After being totally frustrated 4 times by another companies small boat kit I decided to give this one a go. I will start a build log when I start assembly. Is there a possibility of getting English instructions?
  4. Kurt is the model viewing open to the public?
  5. The Winnie sounds like a winner and I am willing to wait for a quality project. Give me time to build my Essex.
  6. USS Intrepid 1798 to complete our Syren, Connie fleets.
  7. The Syren had the inhaul rig as you describe so being of the same period I would suspect so did the Connie. Not sure if I would rig all 48.I would put the Rings in the deck and rig one gun P&S other wise it gets way to congested and would be almost impossible to transit the decks with all that gear laid out. Would only take seconds for a gun crew to throw a hook on the ring and the slide and pull the gun back.
  8. What jud said. Make sure you insulate it.
  9. Agree that is a great price BUT refusing to ship is a let down. Why not just advertise locally so you don’t raise the heart rate of us old farts.
  10. Welcome Rory. I noticed you appear to have used half hitches to tie off your rigging. For a more realistic look try seizing them instead. There are several good videos on YouTube that show you how to seize. This will enhance your already well built model. You are doing a great job.
  11. Not a thing wrong with your hull. Looks great! Nice smooth platform for coppering.
  12. Great job on the small boat and my hat is off to you. I attempted that build four times and never got past the bending ribs. I thought I had out smarted it when I tried polystyrene strips only to have the notches break. Ordered small boat kits from Master Korabel so I will see how that goes. Your Build is beautiful. I love the green.
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