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Posts posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. Those pieces of wire are a life saver.  I first started using them with my Prince de Neufchatel.
    However, the tricky part about this particular model will be rigging the lanyards inside the bulwarks, instead of outside, like normal.


    This is the only ship I’ve ever seen like this.


    It will make tensioning the shrouds interesting, especially with the small deadeyes.


    Although, it is also the only ironclad that I have ever built.  

    So, maybe this became a thing in the latter half of the 19th century.  I will have to do more research.

  2. I finally finished my puzzle.  It took me nearly three weeks.  A typical 2000 piece puzzle takes me about 4 days.

    Continuing on, I made another ladder jig a la Zu Monfeld:


    It doesn’t look like much, but it will work most adequately.


    Although, I probably shouldn’t have used balsa for the top strip.  Oh well, live and learn.

    Time to make the boarding ladders!


    Also, until Model Expo discontinues selling ZHL products, those deadeyes that I bought are the last Model Shipways products that I will buy.

  3. I made my deck level when I built the Prince de Neufchatel (still my favorite build).


    I made a cradle using the profiles of two bulkheads (allowing for planking).




    I measured off on the plans so that the model would be approximately centered and centered it on the display board.



    It ended up like this:


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