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Sea Hoss

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Everything posted by Sea Hoss

  1. Wow! great ship to model and you did it proud...As far as this being your first wooden ship model, all I can say is can't wait to watch your next one! For my first "larger" and more complex model, it came down to "Syren" or "Niagara". I still want to tackle the Niagara in the future. The display also came out great and enhances the total look, great work.
  2. Ya, these guys are right, pros always have the best for a reason, as apprentices we try to dodge the big ticket tools, and pay the price eventually. I have been "easing my way into" modelling and pick up "decent" tools as I need them. My last was a decent benchtop band saw. I guess you should decide sooner or later if you intend on staying in the hobby for the long run. At that point, reason will guide your tool (and model) purchases. I have found recently that I need to invest in some fine micro chisels, I bought some $10 crap ones on Amazon ant laughed at my foolish mistake upon seeing them! I don't think they could carve wax! You'll learn what you need. Do some "decent" kit models first, then you will know...good luck, hope to watch your build logs.
  3. I think what ever one decides for their model, is how to go. On my MS Armed Long Boat, I used the supplied PE scrollwork and I thought it looked flashy. But after having done that ( still like it), I have decided to attempt painting my own friezes. I have a steady hand and a bit of artistic ability so next time I have the opportunity, I shall give it a shot. I sure will do a little practice though before doing it on the actual model.
  4. Hey John, nice work so far! Just lost a bidding "war" on ebay last night on the MS CWM. still went for a good deal ($ 145.00 and $15 dollar shipping). New in box, oh well, I'll keep looking for something to have a nice large and detailed build after the little guy I'm on now.
  5. also something that makes this a little easier, "pin the yard" to the mast so that the rest of the process will be less cumbersome.
  6. Wonderful work so far... as for a possible replacement for the deadeye chain plates, take a look at the Siren plans or some of the build logs here for an idea that was used. Making a simple jig to use black wire in three sections for them. Looked good when I used them. Will be watching your build log.
  7. So funny Bob! I saw your post of Slim being ambushed and I almost choked! This is a t-shirt my girl bought for me when she was in Aruba!
  8. Hey Bob, the model came out great! I'm sure your display should be fantastic also. I chuckled to see the Smilodon stalking Slim, what for I wondered, he looks like a meager snack! also, I noticed that the Gun boat had oarlocks (tholes I think in modelling lingo), Did they supply the laser cutouts for them or did you decide to leave them out?
  9. Your speedy is looking great...just to say, I developed an allergy to CA also. Used it quite a bit and then I noticed I was getting all congested in my lungs like a bad chest cold. Then using it at all, gave me these symptoms, even just a small whiff! So yes, now when I have to use it (or any highly volatile substance) I put a fan off to the side to blow the vapors away. That takes care of it.
  10. On my Syren build, in the manual it was suggested to use an appropriate gauge black wire. I think I used 28. At that size it is difficult to know the difference and I could shape the hang of it until it looked right.
  11. I too was/am an amateur artist and once did tattooing as an avocation. Now I mostly do portraits in watercolor. I drew this pattern long ago and made a poor choice in artists to apply it to me (didn't come out as nice as it should have). I've been meaning to have it touched up by a better artist but time goes by and priorities change...oh well maybe someday.
  12. It's very old and has faded quite a bit but sure, why not.
  13. Great work! I have a sabre tooth tiger tattoo on my left upper arm...
  14. Ya Jeff, it will be a bit of a challenge, everything is SO SMALL. I like what you've achieved so far on your Constitution. I want to do that one badly when I can afford it, 48'' long!
  15. Finally got around to starting this old "yellow box" solid hull of USS Essex. Was boxed in 1957! and the contents were 99% there. Got it on Ebay for $15 and put it on the back shelf where it remained for a while. I intend on making it into a "half hull" with the masts and yards in half also. Gonna mount it to an interesting board of some sort (maybe driftwood). I'll probably also start another project at the same time and fiddle with this one here and there. Began cutting gun ports and shaping quarter gallery for a start. The cast parts are remarkably detailed and clean. Like on the gun port lids (that are only about 1/8" square), hinges are evident! The gun carriages and guns are also clean and detailed. The direction manual though is bad. If this was someone's first build, they would be lost! Oh well, should be fun to experiment with. I'll try to keep it in the spirit of the real Essex anyways.
  16. Hey Bob, you will enjoy building the Picket Boat, plenty of room for embellishment! Decent size too.
  17. I second all the praises given to you and this fantastic build! I will definitely use many of your techniques in my builds going forward. The details are what make this otherwise homely tub beautiful. The manufacturer's photos I felt, always made the thing too hideous to buy. But I now the old adage "don't judge the book by the cover" comes into play. Beautiful work!
  18. Yes, research and "common sense" should be put into the build. I've found there's always room for improvement and cool embellishments to make it unique.
  19. I think you're gonna be ok... a little of my advise, get lots of clamps, of all types and sizes!
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