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Sea Hoss

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Everything posted by Sea Hoss

  1. It came out fantastic Arthur! Love the color scheme you chose and attention to detail! The handle on the "big gun" is definitely necessary imo...and fashioned in a realistic way, ( I think I shall copy that). Mine is basically finished also, just working on the additional do-dads. At the present time, I'm rigging a "Gadsden Flag". the first USN Jack. Also, the final photos are striking! Great camera work. Be watching for your future builds.
  2. Great work! Hope to watch more builds from you...
  3. Hey out there! More done on the ALB...Just really looked her over for pesky and overlooked details. Then added the guns. Next: stand, oars, tools for the boat and guns, barrels and buckets perhaps?
  4. Those oars are cool! I'm going to post my "almost finished" A.L.B. tonight or tomorrow. Got the guns on. I also don't think I want to dump a bunch of oars all over the details of the boat's interior! I may just wrap a bundle or two and plop them on the front of the stand. A few home made buckets and barrels here and there sounds good too along with some cleaning and loading ramrods for the guns! It could go on forever!
  5. Looks great! At the start of my latest model, I also wanted to include some furled sails to add interest. I really had no idea how to approach them. I believe you have shown me some interesting possibilities! I think I shall be high-jacking some (or all) of your nifty ideas! Thanks for the play-by-play instructions...
  6. Nice work! You're banging it out... Ya, the horse over the tiller does seem clumsy right? I just went with the instructions on that issue... If I had to operate that boat, I would do the same as you did. May I suggest you check out this model as done by Dr PS and Arthur Wayne. Those were very helpful to me as they explained the problems they encountered very well so that I knew what was coming down the road. There was several issues with scale and supplied parts. I'm sure you've dealt with them already. You'll be done probably by the time I post this at the rate you're going! It's a nice little model though, good work.
  7. Wow- impressive! What an undertaking...sweet!
  8. More done on my Longboat, bright work to be exact. Did look her over for touch ups on the paint etc. Applied the brass do-dads, like the look. Toned them down a bit with scuffing and coat of Polycrylic clear satin. So, now I go to the Little Growlers (swivel guns and cannon). Will work on the oars here and there (tedious but part of the package). I'm really thinking of what's next! I'm a ship model addict! When possible I will do The Winchelsea, Can't afford that yet though. Squeezing all the fun out of this one now... Ya you know!
  9. Watched your New Bedford Whale Boat build, I'm sure you'll do a great job here too!, I'll be watching with interest.
  10. Got a lot done on the running rigging. Boom and gaff attached, Have the hook blocks made and ready for the jib and stay sail halyards, just waiting for the rigging lines to dry after applying the glue/water mixture to get the kinks out and stiffen them. Put on some rope coils on the belaying pins. I had to fab those as the kit ones looked too small and almost fell through the laser cut holes on the mast support. Just carved them from a 1/8th dowel. Probably have all the running rig done today. Think I'll apply the fancy side decorations tonight ( been suppressing the urge to put them on for a while). I think I'll scuff them up a bit with 00 steel wool first to knock down some of the shine. Not much left on her now, guns, oars, touch ups on the paint etc. build a stand or cradle, might just use the kit supplied cradle, maybe. I want to get a flag for it too. Maybe a Gadson flag, (Don't tread on me). I think I have one of those around here somewhere. Anybody know who may supply decent quality scaled flags? My mind is already thinking of the next build! Must ponder that for a while. I do have a funky solid hull USS Essex to fart around with. Probably post again tomorrow. Thanks for looking.
  11. Welcome! We all started as novice... This is the place to learn, that's for sure! It's a great hobby that gives you lots of pride in craftsmanship.
  12. Hey Paul, the Whale Boat is lookin great! For a possible hint on the color scheme, you may try The New Bedford Whaling Museum web site. I know they have a half scale whaling brig on display and several chase boats.
  13. Hey all, Ya Paul I always finish! Also, yes the rigging and fiddly stuff can be annoying so I just take it slow. One bit at a time. The knot board was a gift. My family has always been nautical types. The Navy, private boats, 100 ton captains etc. The knots on the board are daunting. I only use the basics however.... More to post on the Longboat...Back stays and bow sprit. Going to do the bow sprit stay later on then the standing rigging will be done.
  14. More accomplished on the longboat...Began the rigging. Got the shrouds and fore stay rigged. I opted for the method of using hooks to connect the shroud dead eyes. The same way Dr PS and Arthur Wayne did theirs. Looks more "believable" to me. Still have some finish-up on these before I rig the back stays.
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