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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Hi Bob, I just looked up you "Hoga" build log, and yes, the deckhouse (your post #101 there) and wheelhouse would have been wonderful candidates for "riveted" metal Skin structure. Maybe you are planing an appropriate Oldtimer steamship Project for the future..... Nils
  2. thank you Bob, I highly appreciate your kind comment. With this build many things are developing as their sequences are due. But still now and then there are things to keep in mind for improvement along the journey... Nils
  3. super done carvings Nigel, I find the color good as it is and would`nt put acrylic paint on the wood... Nils
  4. Hi Bob, and thank you for your comment. I have to groove myself in a bit to finalize this "Swan Class" without interruptions by things going round in my head for the new ongoing project (KWdG) Nils
  5. a Little update... Build log part 17 the first Saloon and cabin wall section I start with is in the aft waist area, one deck lower. This has to be done now because the Long Promenade deck (when put on) will not allow Access to this part afterwards. The metal sections of the superstructure will also be plated. The procedure is to produce a smooth wooden surface, and plate with ponced resembled "riveted" metal surface. Then cut free the positions in the foil where the port holes are to be drilled. Dry fit the brass handrails, then take off the handrails, primer the cabin walls, paint the surface, let dry, and then insert the "preglassed" portholes and the handrails again. Secure the handrail stanchions at the inner side of the walls with a drop of CA Nils a clean circular cut through the foil and a good centering in the wood enables the hole drilling in best possible way this part takes 30 portholes and six doors here the first handrail piece is dry-fitted this is a liquid quick drying filler / primer that gives a wonderful surface to the white dull silk finish paint (a Gunze / Sangyo, Japanese product) this is the bulkhead for the step to the poopdeck, primered and painted dry fit on the ship..... four srews will later help hold this section securely in place
  6. Carl and Patrick, thanks for you appreciative comments which are well appreciated.... Nils
  7. Thank you very much Boyd, I`m about to finalize My "Pegasus" soon, There`s not much go any more. The intension is to do it when the follower model "KWdG" hull, which is well on the way, has been plated...... Nils Here the present status of "HMS Pegasus" : made a new, and larger white ensign on cloth of an old fine-structured handkerchief by ink printing / ironing methode, when complete all square sails shall be braced to appr appr. 45° angle. The main courses sheets and tack-lines as well as the bow-lines still need to be rigged. Also the spare spars resting on the gallows still have to be made, whereby the ships boat is already finished for mounting. Half of the anchors are done. Maybe also a securing rudder chain will be fitted
  8. Hi Paul, would have liked to see one of the "Emperator Class" liners keel-layed by someone here on this forum; The "Vaterland" for instance, being the first American super liner after taking over and re-naming to "Leviathan", a dream of a ship.... Nils
  9. Hello Paul, for the KWdG porthole arrangement I have here this pic where she is in the drydock. The portholes are actually flush with the hull, no flange, the "eyebrows standing out, to lead rain- and splashwater around the porthole. I made a little mock up in order to see how the critical porthole section just beneath the forecastle deck shall work out, leaving a minimal space just above the porthole for the eyebrow placement ( second hole from the right, with brass insert and "glassing") Nils (ups, here are the pics.....)
  10. Many thanks Paul, your explaination is fully understood, much appreciated, and provides an excellent handling of These small eyebrow pieces. I`ll be Standing before this Task as well and have been straining my mind already, was thinking if I could place them into the wet paint. Your hint with the optical "last correction" possibility in alining the portholes is a valuable Surplus Information, Thanks again.... Nils
  11. very impressing work Paul, and so much self made wonderful Details, amazing that you still have the overviewfor the logistic of all These parts. I have a question.... how do you fasten the eyebrows over the portholes to the hull..., (a drop of CA would probably be too messy ?) Wish you further good success for this great model Nils
  12. Many thanks to Tony and David, and all the recent appreciative "likes"... Tony, wellcome to dropping in, glad you find interest in this model. There was a fantastic card-model (to be built) of this liner on the market in scale 1:250, unfortunately sold out, but which can be found at Ebay with a bit of luck. Would like to see your Gorch Fock 2 Progress to date, any pics available ?, I looked up your last postings of August 2014 David, I`m not familiar with resin casting, making moulds for this purpose and using Silicone rubber, guess I Need to dig into this sooner or later Nils
  13. Thanks Patrick, for the decoration I searched the Ebay for Gold Color pressed metal decoration. The larger one is of Card and can be found at Ebay for "Dresdner Ornamente" The letters are etched brass from my Hobby shop, and the twisted brass wire is for hanging oil painting Frames to the wall Nils
  14. a little update..... now need to plank and mount the forecastle deck and the long promenade deck, before the most upper hull rails are mounted to the sides. Before this the metal plating can not start Am also making thoughts of the stern decoration and ornaments, and been gathering what I feel may suit this job.... Also am meantime thinking of how to do the 3 different types of lifeboats in repeatable way of production (probably resin cast from prototypes and master moulds) Nils front waist deck is permanently glued on, small centering hole for frontmast is set and bulkhead for step to promenade deck is dry fitted traffic corridor port to stb on aft waist, deckstripes permanently fitted, raw bulkhead piece for step to poop deck dry fitted and inner bulwarks painted white and mahagoni handrails put on the handscetch helps to get overview of the elevation dimensions ( slight changes to suit the requirements pending...) these hull rails go on when the forecastle. and promenade deck are planked and put on. Before that the metal-plating of the hull can not start some of the decoration and ornaments intended to use, especially for the stern
  15. Patrick, The light-build cockpit roof fits in very nice with all the other fine details of this ship. Thanks for the pics... Nils
  16. What a beautiful cutter Lee, Your handcraft skill is amazing love this boat... Nils
  17. Patrick, that will look very good when the two masts are rigged.. Do you have a more close up pic of that White cabin Roof ? Nils
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