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Everything posted by Voyageur

  1. Beautiful! Thank you for such great and informative build logs. The tutorials along the way will be a reference for me that will certainly improve my model building
  2. Welcome! Looking forward to seeing your build log on the forum.
  3. Thank you. And thank you for calling me out on my original plan. I appreciate the interest and guidance.
  4. Half hull planking project. Gotta work on my planking chops before I get into the big guns. 😁
  5. And finally, I glued in the seats and thwarts. I also had to clean out the gunwales where debris, sawdust and glue had deposited between the ribs. Today was all CA glue. I used CA for all gluing. I noticed that it created a bit of “orange peeling” on the paint when I applied too much. Is that typical? I took a picture with Pepe as the sternman before sending him back home to my sis. I am calling this project complete. Thanks for all the likes and comments. I learned new skills and lots about canoe restoration on this one. My next projuct is the half hull planking project.
  6. I turned my attention to the outwale and glued them in place. As you can see I went simple (KISS principle) and decided against any double gunwale. I had conversations with a local canoe restoration club and never really achieved a consensus on size so... I took the easy way out and cut off the lip and went for a traditional shape. Once they were in place, I glued on the keel.
  7. Rainy weather allowed me to spend a little time in the workshop. I made brass stems. I used the Drexel tool to sand down a .125” brass rod. I used the back end of a framing hammer as an anvil. Made one to my satisfaction. Then the trick is to see if can I duplicate that. Usually not but this time I got lucky and made a pretty fair duplicate on the next attempt.
  8. I think it looks great, I’d be proud to have that as mine. But I know how it is, we are our own worst critics!
  9. I really wanted a two tone paint job on this canoe so I decided to try to take my airbrushing skills up a notch. I was able to lay down this cadmium yellow. I’m glad I tried, I like the way it turned out. also, my sister made a doll of our Grandfather (something about her daughter’s school project). She mailed it to me so he could take a row in the dinghy, and later in the canoe. Here’s my Pepe in the dinghy. The orange vest is his life jacket. I asked her to make that since was going in the boat. 😁
  10. Like new. I bought it new in April. Are used it a few times and cleaned it up well. I was able to get a proxy on FET tablesaw for a good price and no longer need this one. Best new price I’ve seen is about $121. I’ll sell this one for $100 and free shipping to the lower 48 states. PM me if you are outside the area and I can see what shipping costs are to you. It will arrive well packaged on your doorstep in it’s original box with all original items, including the manual. I’ll accept returns if you return it to me as I shipped it to you. See pictures for details of its condition. Buyer must be a model ship world member in good stead. I will except PayPal only as payment. PM me if interested.
  11. It’s been a few days since I posted anything on this. I suck at painting! I finally got a paint job I feel like sharing. I’ve painted it, sanded and repainted three times! I was thinking of two tone but I don’t have the skills yet with the airbrush to feel confident I won’t screw this up. I’m ok with that for now. I think I’ll just put on the gunwale, seats and thwarts and call it completes. Hopefully this weekend?? I really want to move on to the half hull planking project but I don’t want to do that until this is done.
  12. Dave, amazing job on the cabin millwork. I'm following this build as well.
  13. I’m in Bob. Looking forward to your build of this. I’ll be rooting for you on those joggles!
  14. Looking good! Just think how great it will look after the fairing is done. Keep a smile on your face and the time will fly by. ...and you wife will wonder what you’re up to!
  15. I'm looking forward to following this build. Hope you don't mind!
  16. Welcome aboard! I look forward to seeing your build if you are able to find the one like you describe.
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