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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Nope, not yet; you could make it look like one for me I am sure the Admiral won't mind too much cheers Pat
  2. That is some very fine work Dave, you have done a really nice job on those ratlines. Your build is developing into a very good model of Endeavour. cheers Pat
  3. Wonderful detailing Keith, the launch is a mini-project in its own right. cheers Pat
  4. Looking sharp OC, you can come over and paint my place anytime you like cheers Pat
  5. Very nice detail Greag and a good job on 'bashing' the very ordinary items into very presentable details. cheers Pat
  6. I hope the new residence is all you desired, and you can settle down soon. cheers Pat
  7. Hi John and Roger, I can only comment on what I have found that was relevant to HMCSS Victoria, a Gun Despatch Vessel or Screw-Sloop of 1855. The Contract for Victoria stated the provision of two 'cranes' for raising ash. I found a contemporary inboard arrangements diagram (dated 1860) for a contemporary vessel, HMS Harrier, which shows an ash chute which I presume there would have been one each side so that as weas disposed on the lee side. Contract: Iron cranes for hoisting up ashes, … I hope I am not breaching copyright (admins please delete if I am infringing) in showing this extract of the NMM plan (NPC6858), note the inboard side appears fixed with a curved 'mouth' to accept the wheelbarrow front. The outboard side appears to be hinged to bring it inboard clear of 'snagging' but lowers sufficiently to ensure the ash clears the ship's side. As to the cranes, these may have been simple goosenecks, or something a little more elaborate. Please PM if you wish more detail on those. As to coal bins I can only offer the following from the contract, but it offers some insight on the height of the coal dump: "The coal boxes to be constructed and arranged as may be hereafter determined, and sufficient details of the coal boxes in the engine rooms to be shown in the drawing, to enable a computation of their contents to be made in this computation; the space below the deck to the depth of 6 inches is to be excluded, to allow for the space occupied by the beams and for the difficulty of completely filling the boxes with coals. No part of the coal box plate to be less than 1/8 inch in thickness. Air tubes to be fixed in the coal boxes for ascertaining their temperature. A space of 13 inches to be left clear between the boilers and coal boxes in every part." I also found this info in Wikipedia: Coal trimmers worked inside the coal bunkers; they used shovels and wheelbarrows to move coal around the bunkers in order to keep the coal level, and to the firemen, who shoveled it into the furnaces. This could imply no bags? Could have been loaded in bags but emptied into the bunker? Also, reading through some of the related discussion on the web, there is inference that the coaling scuttle was a sort of box with a chute down to the bunker. From this I read that the coaling scuttle had a hatch type top that opened into a sort of small chamber which then had a chute attached at the bottom. Most of this related to the Titanic coaling arrangements so may not be directly applicable. I also found this site which provides some interesting background discussion and while of a later ship, the methods employed for coaling appear mixed (bags and bulk). Hope this helps rather than confuse the situation further? cheers Pat
  8. That is one very fine looking model Greg, the paintwork effects are very realistic. if you placed a sea/sky background behind it it would be hard to tell the difference to the real thing. cheers Pat
  9. I think Rob has stated that very well - the style and tone of your books, and the quality of your build logs help us less capable modellers learn to do exactly that - even if there is an occasional typo :). cheers Pat
  10. Hi John, is there sufficient height in the coal bunker for an overhead 'spout' or shute like the swinging arm spout you see on the water tanks used to feed water to locomotives? This would have allowed the coal to be spread over a much wider area? In some recent reading, I noted comments that coal was usually separated into areas by mangers or cofferdams to form hoppers (bins). This allowed the coal to be moved about for managing the list among other things, and if there was a problem (e.g. a coal fire) to be able to isolate it. Coaling in the Victoria was via 4 scuttles, and the ash raised to the upper deck via two dedicated cranes for discharge overboard via two ash shutes. I don't know if any of this will be of much relevance to your build but may offer some food for thought? cheers Pat
  11. All nice detail and should look great on the model on the model Greg; slow but good progress. cheers Pat
  12. That looks great Dave; good to see you back in the shipyard - Happy New Year! cheers Pat
  13. She is rapidly taking shape Danny. You must be able to see the finish line now? Looks great! cheers Pat
  14. Another rapid build Denis, if you go any faster you'll set fire to the thing! Looking good with the bulwark in place. cheers Pat
  15. Perhaps we need to lend you some of these guys then; sorry we munch on them occasionally also Sorry to clutter your log, ditch as necessary. cheers Pat
  16. Really taking shape now Danny, nice work with plenty of detail. Appreciate you showing your PE techniques for therails, that will come in handy for a future build (later this year). cheers Pat
  17. That is a great idea Keith, I have heard of modellers leaving such a note inside the hull - an 'easter egg' of sorts. Be sure to seal the paper and ink to ensure it is preserved as I think this model warrants such a 'provenance'. cheers Pat
  18. Very nice machining Eberhard, shows what can be done with a bit of skill and knowhow. I love those vises and holding jigs you have manufactured (no, make that I am jealous :)) Enjoy that steak. cheers Pat
  19. Tedious but necessary Ed, I am sure the effort will be reflected in the quality of your rigging. cheers Pat
  20. Hi Keith, I have now perused through your build and what a sensational job you have done. I love the details (some you won't even see) such as the charts etc in the drawer but I think my particular astonishment lies in the quality of your metalsmithing. I will need to have an even closer read to breakout some of your techniques as the detail you achieve is amazing. regards Pat
  21. The case looks good Mike. One word of caution WRT the masking tape 'until the very end' - I did that and some of it dried out making it very difficult to remove. i used acrylic (perspex) rather than glass so had a couple of small marks I had to polish out. You just need to keep an eye on it and replace as necessary. cheers Pat
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