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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Hi folks, thanks to all those who looked in and for the likes. Ca. - This part of the ironwork is all freehand bending with metal forming pliers and soldering which is then touched up with a file. For example, the boom pivot joint is a bit of brass tubing of the appropriate ID (for the wire elbow) soldered to some flat strap brass which has a 90 degree bend applied. cheers Pat
  2. Hi again folks, Another update I have now completed the ironwork for the lower studding boom which is shown temporarily fitted. I still have some cleanup to do on the woodwork (and on the ship hull where I notice I have left some evidence of a misadventure). The first photo is the promised shot of the cable bonnets shown fitted in place - the cable has yet to be tensioned and secured in place. cheers Pat
  3. Here are two progress shot as of yesterday morning. Hopefully fit the lower studding booms to the main channels, and the quarter badge shutters today. cheers Pat
  4. A little more progress to show folks, she now has the dead lights, swivel guns and rudder pendants fitted. I was trying to get a bit of a rusty effect on the rudder pendant chains as these would have been beaten around quite a bit and I therefore believe they would have been a little rusted I have made a start on the quarter badge window shutters and starting to rig the stbd anchor for which I have now rigged the cat tackle and fitted the cable bonnets (shown being constructed here - will show them fitted in a future post). John (Neptune) - I wasn't going to add those lines but have fitted the blocks as I think they would have been left rigged when sail was taken down - I hope cheers Pat
  5. Thanks for sharing Tadeusz, some interesting details there. cheers Pat
  6. That's a lot of detail well executed for such a scale Greg - really getting the hang of it now huh? cheers Pat
  7. Hi Julie, Jewellery suppliers are another good source especially for metal working, soldering and chemical blackening supplies. cheers Pat
  8. Hi all, I am finally getting towards the end of this build but I still have a lot of small detail to go. I have been busy making bits and bobs for this detail while finishing the rigging. As you can see from the progress shot, I only have the braces and tye for the fore topgallant for the rigging (unless I have missed something (quite likely) The deadlights are well progressed and should be completed in the next couple of days; these will be displayed in the open position. The rudder pendants have been completed and will be fitted once the deadlights have been fitted - the spectacle plate has been fitted. The swivel guns have been completed but will be the last items fitted (after adding all the coils etc to the belayed lines and ropes etc). I have decided to fit the fish davit with the topping lift which has been rigged to a tackle hanging from the fore burton pendant. I have also rigged the cat block (I know the boomkin and martingales should be removed for an anchoring evolution but I wish to show this detail) and I intend to hang the anchor, with cable bent on, from the fish hook and have a painter rigged from the cat block hook and led through the anchor ring and then to forecastle as if the anchor has just been raised. One of the photos shows some of this detail. [Edit] I have forgotten to add a size reference. The deadlights are about 22mm x 10mm. The fish hook, cat block etc are all scratch. cheers Pat
  9. Hi Greg, I have 2 airbrush systems. For general wide coverage with acrylics etc I use the Aztek; however, for finer work I use a Harder and Steenbeck (H&S) Infinity CR+ (German made). This is a high end airbrush and top quality - mine has proven faultless and I am very happy with it. No matter which airbrush you buy, a little practice and experimentation is necessary to get the best out of it but you would have no troubles with that. cheers Pat
  10. Looking a real treat for the eyes Denis; great work bashing this build. cheers Pat
  11. Nice progress Mindi, and welcome back to the Endeavour fold Those boats look great and you have now encouraged me to add the masts and sails to at least a couple of mine (I still have the Yawl and Skiff to do) cheers Pat
  12. Some how I missed this Eberhard; extraordinary work! I am impressed with that micro-machining. Don't want to knock up a set of those cable stoppers etc in 1/72 scale huh? cheers Pat
  13. Hope you enjoyed the holiday mate; welcome back. cheers Pat
  14. Thanks for the further comments Druxey and JB; much appreciated. At this point I think I will go with 2 x spare top masts (shaped but not drilled/mortised for sheaves) and a couple of spars (tapered). However, as she was deployed on a long, unsupported voyage i think I may add a couple of round (not shaped) poles also. cheers Pat
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