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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Nice work Martes and thanks for sharing Martes. What are your plans for these? Are you going to make them available as add-ons? You appear to have put a lot of work into these. cheers Pat
  2. Thanks for sharing Joe, I will be interested in your final comments as I have been 'dabbling' with more 'manually controlled' methods of repeatability (all too complicated for my liking to date). cheers Pat
  3. Thanks Dave; appreciate your comments. Some further small updates; I think the photos show all. First is the completed (minus firehose/rack) of the Downton Pump area; then the foredeck with chain blackened, and the funnel with its stay chains and finally the painted purchase winches. cheers Pat
  4. I am glad to hear I am not the only one Keith - I find that having just become proficient with a tool, jig or technique, I then put that aside until the next model by which time I have to relearn a lot of it again. I am envious of those who can master these things and simply step back into the process without issues. BTW I like the stops, mic adjuster etc fitted to your Byrnes saw, have you covered these in another forum as I would be interested in learning more about them. cheers Pat
  5. Nice adaption using the vise Vossie. What brand and model is the vise? (sorry if you mentioned this earlier) cheers Pat
  6. As with everything you do Gaetan, you strive for the highest standard you can achieve; your dedication certainly shows in the quality of your models (and photography) - impressive. cheers Pat
  7. Very nice work Greg, you are showing some excellent detail (and talent) with this model. Those nets must have severely restricted ship's speed when deployed? cheers Pat
  8. You've made some significant progress G.L.; it is all looking very good. You must be close to finishing now? cheers Pat
  9. Some good progress made there Steven. I will be quite interested in how yo age these 'filler repairs', have you any ideas on that yet? cheers Pat
  10. To echo Druxey - Magnificent! That rigging is a masterpiece of execution. I very much look forward to your next volume of the series. cheers Pat
  11. Glacial or not, you have still achieved some significant progress and it is looking very good. cheers Pat
  12. A very nicely faired hull Keith; this will certainly give you the nice solid base for the planking you were after. cheers Pat
  13. Nice design Dave; that will be a very nice case - what is the wood BTW (or did I miss that)? cheers Pat
  14. Thanks Patrick - I am sure I reserved a special place of punishment with my 'oaths' when doing these small pieces cheers Pat
  15. Jeffery, a little later than what you need for your period build, and Gregory for info, the only formula/rule-of-thumb I have found is for clippers (I knew I had seen something somewhere in my reading ) . E. Armatage McCann in his series of articles published in the Model Ship Builder magazine (originally in the The Ship Modeller magazine), titled "Rigging of Clipper Ships" - part 3, page 10 provides: "The steeve was 4 to 5-inches to the foot" using the length the bowsprit extending from the bed to the cap. Note this was for clipper ships of the 1850s. cheers Pat
  16. Thanks for the feedback and confirming my thoughts Rob; much appreciated. Now I just have to settle on the final positions but I will leave that until I am well into the rigging plan. cheers Pat
  17. Hi Rob, this is being built at 1:72. I just noted an error in the build title, thanks cheers Pat
  18. Now that's the way to 'get back into it' - double whammy it great to hear you sounding enthusiastic about it too Mark. cheers Pat
  19. I didn't think these old salts were that well dress-coordinated Stunning detail Michael, I love the brass lamp. cheers Pat
  20. A silver lining can be found in everything (well almost), glad you can get some 'bonus' detail from the rebuild. cheers Pat
  21. She's looking great Ben, you must be pleased to see her taking on some of her 'finish' now. cheers Pat
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