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Everything posted by Barbossa

  1. Another update (I have the unpleasant feeling, just as if I'm spamming) Assembling the false keel Removed the unecessay wood from the bulkheads, above the gundeck line. This process took some time : every seperate bulkhead, I had to remove and reinstall the sawblad of my Proxxon tool. The gundeck : first produced a fake one from card to make the necessary measurements ( alignment & position gunports....etc)
  2. Very nice work , Patrick I was wrong to assume, the "dovecote" had something to do with pigeons...
  3. Hi ETNZ, Thanks for showing interest. Updates with photo's this WE. With accordingly some explanations, that's a promise !
  4. Continuation previous post : the "gundeck-gunport-position-issue" Here's the pics. Let's imagine a worst case scenario : If I were to reduce the size (just a little bit)of the wheels belonging to the gun carriages....would someone notice? Probably unecessary. let's call this beginners luck 😊. The false gundeck ( that is to be covered) is made of birchwood (0,5 mm) At present : working on the correct size of the gunports.
  5. Hi Peter, Nice ship and great job on the taffrail. As I can hardly imagine the boxwood strip was included in the box, may I ask from which supplier you obtained this precious ingredient ? It seems a bit hard to find on the Old Continent (Though I may have overlooked the info while visiting your log). Anticipated thanks
  6. Well done, Sir. Aside from the ship, I like the approach. I'll learn from both. Take care
  7. Hi Mark, Thanks for the input, but there's no harm. I'll post some close up pics as I assembled one 18lb gun and it seems to fit inside it's gunport. The raise by adding 1 mm extra planking ( to cover the deck) should be compensated by inserting a rectangular frame/profile ( +/- same thickness) in each gunport. A least that is the plan. Perhaps some extra filing will be required. All feedback is welcome, this build (and other builds, perhaps) might benefit from it.
  8. Continuation. The last pics describe an attempt to check the alignment of the bulkheads. As you have certainly already noticed, until now no CAD neither other software is involved in this project. On the other hand, whenever it comes to sculptures, figureheads,...3-D printing came already across my mind....
  9. Hello, Another update. B.E. thanks for showing interest. While uploading the pics, I'll try respect the exact chronology and also sharing mistakes/difficulties I encountered. E.g. one thing that puzzled me was the height of the false keel. Plans describe a dotted line which describes the position of the gundeck. Question : does the dotted line indicate the gundeck at it highest (central) point or the position where the gundeck meets both port and starboard sides and by consequence a misinterpretatioin could jeopardise the position of the gunports. I didn't want to take any chances and build myself a fake 18 pdr gun and accordingly with quite some measuring managed to figure this out. (see next range of pics) just for info : I started this project medio 2018 Mark, I totally agree, except perhaps the release of Lafayette's Hermione kit I'd wish to see more French frigates. Besides I humbly admit that my favourite , La Renommée, is probably a too big challenge for me Dag Patrick chips & drank helaas nog niet beschikbaar ( translation : chips & drinks not yet available, I'm afraid ), but take a seat. Now back to the pics For the insertions necessary for the bulkeads, into the separate parts of the false keel, I fored a hole just big enough to allow my sawblade to make a turn of 90 °. At this stage all parts were still (of course) dry fit
  10. Thanks Mark I'm afraid I'll have to consult my French grammar 😊. about the LE ou LA Vénus. My guess is "La" as ships are related to the female genus. But I'll gladly comply to MSW staff rules. Anyway, thanks for correcting the title. A few years ago, the original monograph was a birthday gift from Mrs. Barbossa. So after completing Jotika-Caldercrafts Diana it was about time to do this very nice present justice. Later on I purchased the second monograph by Franco Fissore. On French fora as well as at MSW despite her elegant appearence , this model seems rather scarce. Hi, Kikatinalong you're welcome. Starting a buildlog was obvious as from the start, on the other hand I wanted to achieve the "first planking" phase. Although first planking seem not appropriate as the first post indicates, I chose for the filling method between the bulkheads. The pics may suggest the opposite, but the surface of the hull is quite smooth already. More details and explanations are to come very soon
  11. You're most welcome Edward. Still +/- 70 photo's to go before we reach Venus' present status. This little delay allows me to think about the second planking. Another word of caution according to my introduction yesterday : this build is pretty basic as only the visible/outside details will benefit my attention And before I forget : as you may assume, this is a POB project. I forgot to specify this in the title. So , if any moderator/administrator should read this : please feel free to correct this oblivion as I'm afraid to make a mistake while modifying this log. If not possible, no problem. The 19 bulkheads were cut out of MDF, 5 mm thickness. And additional space was required for the false keel, which I split up in 3 parts. Important notice : none of this would have been possible without my Proxxon saw machine. To allow a clean cut of the bulkheads : - they were cut out of a separate piece of MDF with a stanleyknife. As I wanted a clean cut, both sides of the MDF-panel were marked with a little holes that were connected. Otherwise was the MDF panel impossible to handle on the saw machine - Once the bulkheads were cut out of the separate MDF-pieces, I used the same stanleyknife to trace the path the sawblade had to follow. To be continuated.... - I
  12. Merci Michel, The idea is to build her "as if she were a kit". So along with my previous build, other Diana logs ( Beef Wellington and Rob Durant's) will act as a benchmark whenever it comes to the finishing touch. Now back to the begin. As this is my first (semi)scratch build I've found it recommendable to build first a prototype in card. This allowed me many measuring possibilities. Measuring is the key-word.
  13. Hi, this is my new project. It's a kind of a sequel, following my HMS Diana. 1)What is to be expected : - Let's begin with what is NOT to be expected. I have the deepest admiration whenever I go through those wonderful buildlogs ( fully framed models, admirality models,...you name it) but I'm afraid these pieces of art are totally beyond my skills. - Why semi-scratch : lots of accessories ( gunnery, belaying pins,....) were already purchased through the available market - Why La Vénus . I like her lines but above all : I like frigates. - Why 1/64 ; I upscaled or downscaled ? the 1/72 plans because I wanted to put her aside my Diana 2)Roadblocks ? Quite easy : a lot of things still need to be figured out. So bear with me Here's the pics of the present status. But photo's are available since the beginning of this project. So the next coming days updates (or flash backs) are to be expected
  14. Wonderful work on those open bulwarks, Rob. Nice to see those Diana builds coming along !
  15. Beautiful indeed, Jason. Your finishing is a benchmark for my future project(s) One question ( probably overlooked this in your buildlog) which brand/color code do you use for the red parts : gun carriages, inner bulwarks,...?
  16. Looking forward when you are to resume shipbuilding activities Take care
  17. Bonjour Cri Cri, Very nice frigate To answer your question and only my personal opinion, from an easthetical point of view Gun : black Wheels : black or dark brown Carriage : red ( but not to flashy ) However : you're the captain
  18. Hi BE, Whatever you're to decide : another jewel to complete a brilliant collection. Although I tend to go for fully rigged ships, this build obviously demonstrates what a superb cutter this is. Your craftmanship & dedication to this hobby is stunning
  19. Nice books, Patrick. You just can't have enough of them and related to such purchases : happiness is just mouseclick away...
  20. You're always welcome, Rob And I 100 % agree : this kit offers a lot of possibilities/opportunities. Regarding the columns : the AoTS inspired me, the first pages show different (lookalike?) Diana's with columns Besides, this is what's MSW all about : by different approaches, exchanging ideas and trying to improve yourself (myself ) for the next build
  21. Hi Rob, Looking forward to your progress on this (side)-project. I went for a rather "straighforward" approach and the way both you and Jason manage things are lessons learned for me. Keep up the good work !
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