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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Thanks Joe. Yes my understanding is there is "fancy molding" that will be placed. Thank you Bossman. Build Chucks creations and you can't help but get better. Thanks for all the likes too!
  2. Also here's a picture from Chuck's log that shows a great view of the curve Ben mentioned and the positioning of the wales at the counter. Hope this helps!
  3. With the upper planking done the next step should have been to plank the wales with their second layer. I decided to skip ahead and install the 3/16" x 1/16" fairing cap. The fairing cap from the hance to the bow and stern are permanent while the piece at the waist is temporary. The fairing cap helped maintain the 3/16" thickness of the bulkhead. The sanding, chiseling and sanding some more of the inboard bulkheads took a few days but is mostly completed. I wanted to do this now to save any damage to the wale that may occur with my handling. The pieces of the aft portion were just straight and fit easily. The pieces at the bow took a bit more time. I took a 1/16" sheet and placed it on the bulkhead. I the traced the outside edge, flipped it over and drew a rough second line 3/16" inside the first. Cut out on the scroll saw, glued it on and then finished sanding it down to a consistent 3/16". I've got a bit of shop cleaning to do before I continue on. After a good cleaning I'll line off the hull using Chucks supplied tick strips.
  4. Thank you but it's more a testament to Chucks ability to design superior models and provide such detailed instructions that we can produce such good results. Also thanks for all the likes.
  5. The last few days were spent cutting 250 strips of 1/4"x3/64" for the hull planking. I found it interesting that the strips cut from the same billet changed color not only when you worked your way through the billet but also from end to end. Here is the strips cut from one billet. I separated the strips from each billet into separate packages to aid in trying to use similar planks next to each other. Also strips that look similar end up having a different look when the finished is applied. I cut out the drop plank and placed it after lining off the first two strakes. Well yesterday I thought I would be posting this update but when I looked at the first two strakes below the wales I did not like the way it looked at the stern. I had to remove the last three planks and redo it. I'm happier now. I then applied the first coat of wipe on poly. Next should be putting on the second layer of the wales and the black strake. I'm contemplating finishing planking the hull to minimize scraping the finished wales. I tend to manipulate the hull a lot when I plank. I will hold it upside down, spin it around, have it in my lap etc. Have to think about that for a bit. Hmmmmm
  6. I've now completed the planking above the wales on the starboard side. At this point it's been only sanded with 150 grit. I'll now add at least the first two strakes below the wales before adding the second layer to the wales. Once the two lowers strakes have been added I'll finish sanding and apply a finish. I'll also be spending a lot of time this weekend turning these 1/4" sheets into 3/64" strips. The instructions call for approximately 250 strips. That will take awhile!
  7. Hi Ben, I'm undecided on the finish at the moment. WOP, Tung Oil, Sanding Sealer? I guess I'll have to decide soon. Hi Joe, So far so good. Hope to see all of you then. Also thanks for all the likes!
  8. Here's where the Winnie is at in all her dirty glory. I'm happy to say that the starboard side went as it should. I've planked the first 5 strakes above the wales from the bow to bulkhead #15. She's in need of a sanding and a good cleaning. Thanks for stopping by and all the likes!
  9. Thanks for the kind words. We all see things we would like to improve. The best thing is pushing on, learning, but most of all enjoying this wonderful hobby. I also agree with start a log. Best way to get help. I’ve been saved many a time.
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