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Posts posted by Rustyj

  1. Welcome aboard everyone and thanks for all the likes!


    Antony,  There is an abundance of popcorn available so sit back and relax!


    Hi Bob, The design of this kit just about assures success. 


    Hi Alde, It was a stroke of luck that I stumbled on it before they were sold out again! Good luck!


    Thanks Steve.





    Hi All, I had the good fortune to obtain one of the Queen Ann Royal Barge's from Syren Ship Model Company.


    I've decided to start doing some of the building while working on the Syren re-rigging. It will make a pleasant break

    from redoing the yards and the running rigging. 


    The kit comes with two sheets of plans and numerous sheets of laser cut parts. As expected all were in perfect

    condition upon their arrival.


    First I started on making the frames. You can see a faint laser line across the futtock frame.

    This is a reference line for placement of the frame floor. Using this reference line insures uniform 

    placement of all the floors.




    The futtock and the floor.




    A straight edge is placed along the line.





    I clamped the straight edge on the frame, applied glue to the frame floor and then butt it against the straight edge and waited for it to dry.

    A small weight was placed on the floor while it was drying.I can do two frames at a time. Hopefully care was used to not use too much

    glue so I can later remove the center away from the futtock.



    There are a total of 23 frames. 19 that have a separate futtock and floor that need to be assembled. While they are drying I'll work on the keel. 


    The fun has begun!

  3. I've been slowly chugging along with the re-do.


    I've decided to repair/refresh all of the yards first and then resume the rigging.


    Here you'll see I've finished the Main and Fore lower course yards, the Royal Yards and the Spritsail yard.




    Well it's onto the Topsail and Topgallant yards and the it's back to running more rope.

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