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Posts posted by Rustyj

  1. Hi all,


    The cap rail and frames have all been sanded to their proper dimensions.


    Next I sanded the floorboards and prepared them for installation.


    They are laser cut and required minimal heat bending to get a nice fit.




    Here the fore and aft platforms have been glued up and ready to install.




  2. Now that the barge has been released from the building board it can be used to hold the model in the upright position.


    Chuck supplied the wood pieces and now it is held firmly is place.






    Next I sanded the tops of the frames flush with the planking in preparation of adding the cap rail.


    The cap rails finished width is 5/64". you can see that a piece is plenty wide enough was provided.




    You can see I marked how wide it would be when sanded to its proper width.


    The rails were added and then sanded flush to the outboard planking.


    I then marked a reference line to guide me while sanding the inboard  frames and rail.






    I also used a 5/64"  gauge to ensure a correct width.











  3. Both halves have been glued to the keel, dried and fairing is mostly completed.







    I've started prepping the spiled planks. They are 1/32" (.08mm) thick so they are delicate.

    Laser  char is gently removed with a sanding stick. You will also see a faint laser etched

    line in the plank. A bevel from the laser line to the edge was created with the sanding stick too.






    Here you see a plank formed to fit by heat bending until it lays on the frames without being forced.




    This is a whole lot of fun!

  4. Hi Ian and thank you for the kind words.


    I've got everything ready to attach the keel to the frames. First the frames are placed into each half

    of the base board. Some minor sanding was needed for each slot in the base board to get a good fit.

    The frames can't be too tight or too loose in the base because it could cause problems releasing the frames later on. 




    Here are the frames set ready for gluing to the keel. After I took the picture I noticed an error.

    The two 0 frames should not face in the same direction. One faces fore and one faces aft.

    Thankfully I noticed it before I glued it up! Phew.




    Here half of the frames are glued to the keel and drying.




    Once dry I'll glue the other half to the keel and then fair the frames.

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