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Posts posted by Rustyj

  1. Hi all,


    I've been working in bits and pieces as I can find the time to get into the shop.


    I've made the tiller and added the rudder.






    I then assembled the sweeps, sanded them to shape, painted them and added the printed dolphin as well as the simulated leather band on the tip.






    Here are the flags and flag staffs assembled and painted.








    And here they are on the barge. The shaping isn't as good as Chucks (no surprise there) and I'll continue to tweek them.




    Basically I've completed her. Just some touching up here and there, figure out a display case and assemble the stands and take some finished pictures.


    Chuck has again made an outstanding model that is fun to do, teaches you new things and of great quality.  


  2. Thanks Christian. I look forward to your building this too!


    Next was to make the 20 thole pins or oar locks. These are tiny laser cut pieces and thankfully

    Chuck supplies extra. A couple disappeared into the black hole of the shop floor.








    As you can see they are small. They were glued in place per the plans and then painted.


    Next up is the rudder.





  3. Next I worked on the iron strap along the outside edge of the stem. The strap is laser cut from laserboard

    which is resin impregnated paper and already blackened.After the pieces were glued in place holes were

    drilled to accept 22 gauge wire  which simulated the bolts. After the wire was cut and sanded smooth

    they were painted black and then some rusty brown weathering powder was applied to give it a more 

    metal look.








    Next up it will be assembling the thole pins, placing them and then more painting!

  4. Thank you all for your kind words and likes It's very much appreciated.


    This is how I did it which fairly closely follows Chucks instructions.

    After any flash was removed the resin pieces were washed in a mild dish soap and warm water.

    The first power applied was "gritty yellow".  Then "highlight white" followed by "dirty brown".

    The powders are applied with a clean brush. Small amounts at a time.

    If I had too much of one color I'd just alternate powders until I was satisfied with the look.

    Once I was happy with the result the pieces were sprayed with two light coats of Krylon clear fixative. 


    Thanks for stopping by!



  5. This will not come as any new revelation to anyone but Chuck is a great carver. Me not so much. :D

    I've played with the boxwood laser cut carvings and though they are really great I slaughtered them.

    Soooooo I am using Chucks optional resin castings. They required very little clean up.

    Chucks used weathering powders and I did the same. You can see the results below. 

    You also can see there's still a lot of clean up and touching up needed.














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