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Posts posted by Rustyj

  1. Hi All,


    I've been MIA for a bit. Vacation, family and good weather have kept me away from the workshop and MSW.

    Well I've made it back to the shop for a bit of an update.

     The forward flag support bracket has been added as well as the step.





    Here are the kit supplied laser wood carvings




    and the kit supplied resin castings




    and the optional resin castings




    and the weathering powers to use on the resin castings.




    Both the laser cut and resin pieces are great. I did get the additional resin casting just in case I either mess up the carving or get lazy!

    They look so good it will be hard to duplicate.



  2. The kit provides the various friezes all sized and ready to be inserted into the panels.

    Chuck describes using a glue stick to adhere the friezes. As I didn't have a glue stick I

    diluted some white glue, used a paint brush to apply it to the area inside the panels

    and then gently press the frieze in place. 











    Next I will paint and install the bow flag support brace and the step.


    Here are laser cut boxwood panels that need adding.




    Again Chuck added extras because the are VERY DELICATE. Old hammer hands only broke

    a couple but it was nice to know there were plenty of spares!








    The inboard painting is done unless I make a boo boo. Next I'll be cutting out the printed friezes and inserting them in the panels.

  4. Thank you OrLiN. Welcome aboard. 


    The inboard planking has been completed. Thankfully Chuck had the forethought to supply extra

    planking pieces at the bow. It is a hefty bend and old hammer hands broke the first plank. 




    You can see the planking is not flush with the cap rail and forms a bit of a rabbet. You also can see pieces

    added that do go all the way to the cap rail. These form a wider spot for the thole pins.




    Well it's back to painting, painting, painting. :D

  5. Hi All,


    I've got some catching up to do here.


    The risers for the thwarts fitted, clamped and drying.






    The benches, bench seat back and coxswain seats have been added and the first several

    coats of paint have been applied with many more to come.


    Here are the laser cut thwarts and the two long saw tooth looking strips are for the stretchers.




    I kinda got caught up working and forgot to take pictures. Each cross piece was specifically cut for its

    position so numbering them and keeping them in order was real important. All pieces were test fitted

    then taken apart and glued together. After assembling the thwarts I realized I had gotten ahead of myself

    and forgot to put the stretchers in. Oops followed by a bunch of swearing. Luckily I was able to slide

    everything in between the framing. No harm no foul. Whew.




     Many more coats of paint is needed and well as planking above the thwarts.




  6. Well the admiral is a bit under the weather so I've stayed home from work to in case she needed anything.

    It did afford me some extra time to get some "work" done on the barge.


    I painted the bench arm rests and glued them in place. Then the upper portion aft of the arm rests was planked.






    Then the seat base and seat tops were added.




    You can see I painted a small portion testing the consistency of the thinned paint and

    checking the seams at the planking for a nice tight fit. I've found that if there is a bad joint

    it will show up when paint is applied. The paint I'm using is Winsor & Newton Galeria Acrylic Crimson.

  7. Thanks Tim, Mark and alde,


    Been a little busy so my reply is a bit tardy. Mark, trying to gauge 1/64" on a drill bit was a bit tricky. :)


    I was able to be successful drilling the holes and use the supplied black line to simulate the bolts.

    The line was cut off flush using a sharp razor blade.




    Now its on to interior work and, shudder, painting. 



  8. The fore and aft platforms are now installed. Chuck showed a nifty idea for using a "T" made

    from scrap wood to measure the correct position of the platforms on the frames. Align the top

    of the T with the cap rail and then make a tick mark at the depth of the platform. Transfer it to

    the matching frames and you have the correct depth. Some minor sanding of the frames was

    required to get it correct.






    Next is drilling a couple hundred holes for the simulated nailing of the planking.

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