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Everything posted by yvesvidal

  1. It is just amazing. These sails are a masterpiece. Please congratulate your spouse. Yves
  2. Jack, It is a little marvel. I cannot wait to see how you will decorate the base and re-create a section of beach. Yves
  3. Hobby-Boss is also a spin-off of Trumpeter and offers the kit of the Mikasa at 1/200. So, we have had Merit, Wave, Trumpeter and now Hobby Boss offering the same model. For sure, things seems to be rocking faster in the Chinese industry. Yves
  4. Craig, I am glad you are going for the black hull. This is how I intend to paint my Mikasa too. The grey version is so dull in comparison. Yves
  5. That is very true. The only way the Partwork model could work in the USA, is to sell them in gas stations. It is the only place where people "have" to stop on a regular basis. But again, most of the US folks hanging in the shopping section of their local Gas Station are not likely to build anything.... Therefore, it is a lost cause and a great loss for a few aficionados like us. Yves
  6. The Japanese war ships are interesting in the way they are designed: they look like huge and very high scaffolding on the water, sustained by a flat and low hull. I suppose this is what give them this unmistakable look from a distance. By contrast the German battleships are usually equipped with a much taller hull and lower superstructures. I suppose, again, that the conditions in which they operate (North Seas versus Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean) are dictating the differences in design. Yves
  7. Look who is talking.... Mister Ultimate Precision!! We are all drooling about the perfection of Dubz models and his capability to work with microscopic details. That is so funny... Yves
  8. Jack, Come on .... you are trying to pull our legs. These are real crates! I can almost see the stains left by fruits and fish at the bottom. Fantastic job. Yves
  9. Craig, Since you went with the Pontos detail set, will you be representing your Mikasa with the anti-torpedoes net, surrounding it? I think that this way of displaying the kit is quite spectacular. Yves
  10. Jack, your boat is lovely. What a little marvel of precision, elegance and beauty. I love the idea of the showcase with sand and gravels. It is absolutely stunning and takes you back to these small Mediterranean harbors where life is slow and full, with laughter, love and friendship. I miss that ..... Please, keep enchanting us. Yves
  11. Craig, excellent choice of model. I too, just purchased the HobbyBoss Mikasa in the scale of 1/200 (another re-edition of the Wave/Merit//Trumpeter kit) and love the look of these early dreadnought ships. Since I paid less than $100 for the kit (Squadron + coupon), I am a little bit reluctant to spend $300 for the Pontos detail kit. Instead I went with the Artwox wood kit and the guns made by an East European company. They are extremely fine and detailed and possibly better than the Pontos. Needless to say, I will be following your build log with a lot of interest. Yves
  12. I would not alter the planking too much. This will reduce the stiffness and integrity of the hull. I would try to use some epoxy paste (or other things) to fill up the shape between the hull and the revised stern. It may not be exact but with a lot of sanding, you may approach a good compromise. Yves
  13. What a monster that Ise.... Japanese military had a different way to look at things. There is no equivalent on the Western side. I cannot wait to see your progress. Yves
  14. Kevin, I recently bought the Bismarck 1/200 by Trumpeter. It is an old dream that goes back to when I was 14 years old and drawing the Bismarck at the scale of 1/100. I even had a couple of turrets and cabins made of wood and copper tubes. Anyway, I am really impressed by what you achieved with your kit and will keep your Build Log (as well as Flory's) as the reference for building that great kit. Yves
  15. As a sailor and lover of small sail boats, I am in awe with your models. They are superb. I also see that you are a collector of O scale British steam trains. O scale brass train is another one of my passion as well. Please show us more pictures of your models and how you fabricate the metal parts. Yves
  16. I built the Billing Boat Calypso, some 30 years ago. Great kit, but has very little to do with a plastic model kit. It is described in that forum, somewhere. Yves
  17. Yes, I agree, she seems a little bit weak around the belly..... Yves
  18. Anchovies, tomatoes and capers.....the fruits of the Mediterranean basin. Well done Jack. Yves
  19. Bob, What about the aluminum foil sold in groceries stores? There is a variety which is very thick, while still being soft enough to accommodate all shapes and curves. Once glued to the wooden hull, it could have been perhaps easier to install. Anyway, you did a fantastic job and your rivets are just perfect and very realistic of the era. Yves
  20. That Battleship is truly the epitome of the floating fortress. What a nasty amount of guns, canons and armament of all sorts. It must have been a fantastic sight to watch that monster on the water. Yves
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