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Everything posted by yvesvidal

  1. EG, How do you remove chrome from the sprues/parts? Do you use some chemicals or do you sand it away? Yves
  2. Hello Grant, Wonderful build that you are starting here. I happen to also have the exact same model that I bought a few years ago, when they were still affordable. I love Alfa Romeo cars. I only built one wheel of that incredible kit.... 😞 I will be following your build with a lot of interest and maybe it will rekindle my desire to move my kit forward. In addition to the DVD that you obtained, there is a company in the USA that specializes in after market parts for Pocher kits: https://www.modelmotorcars.com/ They have an incredible selection of parts and their gallery and models presented are absolutely fantastic: https://www.modelmotorcars.com/museum/ Looking forward to seeing your progress. Take your time and do not rush the process.... 🙂 Yves
  3. I see that you use a yellow highlighter to pace and verify your progress. I do the same too. Way too many parts.... Yves
  4. Slow progress on the "Kontrollraum": There are plenty of little details and parts to paint and install. The navigation table with a map of the Baltic Sea: German submariners did not use regular maps. Instead they had these coded maps with specific sectors defined, in which they were assigned patrol missions. Instead of using Longitude and Latitude like most ships and planes, the Kriegsmarine created its own Naval Grid System. The ocean area was divided in large sectors represented by two-letters. Each sector was further divided into a 3x3 matrix, resulting in nine small squares. Each square was itself divided into nine smaller squares, resulting in 81 small squares for a sector. This is what you see displayed on the map below. A so called patrol zone (a small square) was roughly equivalent to 6 square NM. Each little square was referenced by the two letters of the sector and by a four digit number. With only six characters, a submarine (or ship) could signal its position with a lot of precision. The attack periscope is getting some TLC. The lfat surface is drilled with a semi-spherical hole of 3.5 mm. A steel ball is inserted into it, to give the impression of a lens and to create some reflections as if you were seeing the ocean. The plastic pin is truncated and replaced by a steel piece to augment the realism of the device. That pin will go through the deck and get to the bottom of the periscope well, inside the main ballast. There are still plenty of small details to add and paint, as this compartment is very rich in tiny parts. Yves
  5. Excellent choice of boat. Your method is impressive and I suspect there will be a lot of sanding. The good side is that the model will have a certain mass. Yves
  6. Superb weathering work. I admire your techniques. Yves
  7. This is a massive model Kevin. With the Diorama, it is going to fill up a room ... 🙂 Yves
  8. Since, we are on the subject of describing the Control room of the Type VIIc, I thought it would be appropriate to publish a few pictures glanced and collected on the Internet. May their authors be infinitely rewarded in this life or a future one, for their generosity and skills. The first "fish-eye" picture is particularly dramatic.... what a maze and intricacy of pipes, wheels, dials and valves. A true nightmare, when anyone of these hoses could have leaked, following an underwater explosion: The right part of what is visible on this picture is actually not represented by Trumpeter. The two steering wheels are the diving planes controls and are not part of the kit, since they stand where the opening to the module, is located. The L shaped bench is provided in the kit. Also, note the well on the attach periscope has been plugged to prevent the U-995 tourists from falling or throwing things into the main ballast. This problem, as designed by Trumpeter, will have to be corrected. The left picture represents the Port side and as such is correctly implemented in the kit. The right picture is of course, entirely missing, from the kit. The Christmas Tree of red and black valves is also missing from the Trumpeter Kit. The periscope enclosure on the right is correctly recreated by Trumpeter. Above is the Attack periscope, also nicely represented by Trumpeter. The various compressors on the floor (for the cold enclosure - fridge) are also well depicted by Trumpeter. Here also, Trumpeter did a good job with their bulkhead assembly. Above, the torpedo computer, used to calculate trajectories and program the eels. As we will see, the Port side is very well rendered in the kit. The last drawing explains how the depth measuring gauges are working and how the submarine was controlled when diving or surfacing. Soon, a few pictures of the model..... Yves
  9. A few more progress, on the underneath of the Control room. All the resin has been poured and cured.... The floor of the Control room is now ready for the delicate assembly of all the parts, provided on two large sprues: The main ballast has been filled with a little bit of sea water: And here is the front fuel tank, with level matching the forward compartment's: Overall, even at this stage, this is quite a heavy module with all this resin. I have dry-fitted both modules in the hull, and everything fits nicely and tightly. The resin, sometimes can enlarge so slightly the compartment and make it impossible to fit. Trumpeter did an excellent job at fitting these various modules into the hull. Matching and alignment is very precise. Yves
  10. Beautiful little model. Again, I wish it was offered in 1/32nd scale. I love the shape and curves of the hull. So typical. Yves
  11. Very, very nice model. You did a fantastic job as Artesania Latina models are not always easy to build, specifically in regard to the wood quality. Yves
  12. This is probably to go with their recently released 1/200 scale Titanic. For those diorama lovers.... Yves
  13. Apparently, TAKOM has decided to release the massive kit of the Yamato gun turret in 1/72nd scale. That could be a starting point for building a 1/72nd scale Yamato monster..... More details in the link below: https://www.themodellingnews.com/2020/04/it-is-officially-2nd-of-arpil-takoms.html#more Yves
  14. April's Fool joke: it would be quite an experience, if they could start the Diesel engine as well.....
  15. Thank you 7Youngs. I did find some details and will present them soon. That is a very nice set that you got. Yves
  16. Kevin, Very nice jetty that you are building. May I suggest you stagger the rails so as not to have their links at the same place. You could also use metal rails from Scale One (1/32) or even G scale (1/29). Brass rails can be purchased individually for these scales. Yves
  17. For the aficionados of Type VII-c, here are a few drawings representing the Control Room being worked on at this time: The Tank view clearly shows how the various fuel tanks are arranged inside the pressure hull. The Control room is basically sitting on top of the fuel tanks and the main ballast of a capacity of 47.75 cubic meters. On the top view, you can see the well for the attack periscope which is missing in the Trumpeter kit. The blue-print also shows the various curvatures of the control room and the fuel tanks. Trumpeter could have provided some convex bulkheads for that room, but they decide otherwise, to make the final assembly in the hull, easier. Too bad, it would have been an interesting feature. Another blatant mistake from Trumpeter is the curvature of the Control Room floor. I have already mentioned that limitation and this is how it should have looked like: Of course, the entire internal arrangement of the hull would have had to be modified, but it would have been so cool to have this feature represented, at least partially (from left to a partial right on the drawing, as to allow the viewers to peruse into the compartment. I thought about doing it, but the modifications are way too extreme and decided against it. Yves
  18. Just a quick update. I am working on the rear bulkhead and will not glue or install the front bulkhead, until I am done with both of them. It is in fact really difficult to paint and glue all the small parts if you do not have a direct access to the bulkheads. So, the rear one is pretty much completed: As indicated, this fuel tank (picture below) will be painted after gluing the front bulkhead. Then resin will be poured to match the level of the front fuel tank, in the forward compartment. Finally, more resin will be poured to simulate some sea water in the main ballast. All this "liquid" will do for a rather heavy module at the end. Yves
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