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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Doris, Can I also come to the party? Only thing is that I'm a Commodore…. And then I want to sit on the head of the table. I pay the bill then…. When you started you Royal William, I want to reserve a seat at the front row ! And you love sailing ships…..maybe the Flying Dutchman? O no, that's a wreck…. But even from a wreck you make it looks as a swan!
  2. Welcome home world traveller……. Glad you like it in Italy ! Did you eat the real pizza????? Let us see some progress and pictures please !!!!!
  3. That's the mini boat for the San Ildefonso Popeye. And yes, that one has to be planked…...
  4. Thanks Popeye, I still do my best And I think there will be time for building ( or painting )
  5. Thanks Kevin, I know what you mean. I want to do next week a little bit more building but Anja is also at home. So maybe we are doing other things…. We shall see And now back to work again
  6. Hi Doris, I can watch this for hours and hours……. Really amazing and beautiful again This is a pleasure for the eye. I'm a Commodore now but when I see this i'm a rookie
  7. Guys, There is only popcorn on this thread………sorry. @ Daniel, Thanks . I try to make a build log but sometimes ( a lot ) there is a side kick…. I can nothing do about it. And I don't want to do a thing about it The build goes slow because of work.. But next week a week no work so maybe a little more building time.
  8. Hi Doris, From me also Happy Birthday ! Enjoy your day and I'm looking forward to the pictures
  9. Hi Nick, From me also welcome to the wonderful world that calls MSW You are never to young to start with this hobby. Your English is very clear. I can understand it I will take a seat and will follow you closely ! Any questions , just ask them and there is always some one who has an answer. You have a fine looking kit there. Golden rule with this hobby is…….take your time and measure twice and cut once…... Then there is another custom here and that is when I follow a build log, there is always a popcorn machine available If you want the popcorn machine let me know. For drinks you have to ask Mark ( one of the moderators or Wayne Tripp). Those guys are the barkeepers. Last thing I want to say is…enjoy your build and have fun !
  10. Andy, When you hums the theme of Darth Vadar here a picture with someone you know who…… Augie, I thought it where just clouds above Schiedam….. But now you are saying it, maybe it's a sawdust cloud????
  11. Hi Randy, The scratch build hits this house al ready. Not for me but for Anja. She ordered the Colonial Schooner and waiting for delivery…..
  12. Maybe the bug got me Popeye…. But before I do a hole ship that takes a while….
  13. Popeye, When the planking on the bow is not working…DON'T trow with it I will wait and see how it ends.
  14. They are coming Mobbsie, The little cabins who are on the transom are now to small. So I have to scratch new ones……... Thanks my friend
  15. If it is not correct, blame Google translation That's what they told me…..
  16. Hi Per, It's good to hear from you again….. I have try to figure things out by myself instead of asking you……. So please, don't wait to long before you continue with your Montanes.
  17. Hi Danny, I you sure you make this your self? You don't have a store in the neighbourhood who sell that kind of stuff????? Great job !
  18. That looks great Popeye, Smooth planking…. And no problems at the bow? That was tricky for Anja !
  19. Hi Adriaan, Glad to see you again. I want to send you today a PM if you where not here. Don't stay away this long anymore or give us a pm or something…... So we know what's going on. Or your Admiral can send us a message! Paddle steamer looks great and I'm happy that the lights are working now
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