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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi Denis, The jig is in the plans mate, the materials are very much down to the individual builder. Fortunately for me it wasn't that difficult to make. With regard to the power tools, I'm finding out their limitations, tends to make life a little interesting. Be good mobbsie
  2. Denis, It's a while since I looked in and jeez your making some good progress. Is your building pre thought or is it just tongue in cheek build as you go, whatever you use it's working mate. Not to myself " must look in more often". Be Good my Friend mobbsie
  3. Well done Mark, looks like you've cracked it this time, looking real good mate. Be Good mobbsie
  4. Hi Grant, Nice explanation and execution mate. All looks good to me mate, I would say you are good to go ahead and glue up. Your ahead of me at the moment mate and I'm supposed to be the quick builder, somewhere along the line things have changed, ( interesting ). Just one question, What size holes are you going to drill for your treenails ?. I was thinking of a 3/64 or 4/64. Be Good mobbsie
  5. I'll send you my bank details Augie, though I'm still woefully short on remuneration for that tea party you guys had. I wouldn't have minded but us Brits weren't even invited. I like your paintwork mate, a new trademark methinks. Be Good mobbsie
  6. Really good work Joe, I love this ship and thoroughly enjoyed building her myself. You really are doing her justice mate. Be Good mobbsie
  7. Hi Frank, Thanks for the word on ageing my friend, glad I didn't age like that mate, the only part I would enjoy is the rubbing down but we mustn't go there must we. Your quite the leading authority on ageing a ships hull mate and deserve the accolades you get. Be Good mobbsie
  8. Hi Guys, Welcome aboard Wes, glad you could make it mate. Just a short update, nothing much to show at the moment. I have completed the proper keel and it fits nicely into the framing jig, the practice piece and the proper one to show that there has been no Following a discussion with Grant this morning it was decided that we would start on the frames, I decided that I was going to make-up the 0 frame, this is the 5th frame in and is the first double to have the cut outs for the sweep ports and filling lintels. I haven't made one of these yet. First up was to copy the template onto a A4 sticky label, cut out the templates and stick onto a prepared sheet 1/4 in Pear. Using my trusty Proxxon Scroll Saw ( which only cuts crooked lines ) I then cut out the parts of the frame, the wedges which are really small have a bit extra left for easy handling. Next up was to sand down the frame parts, so using my trusty Proxxon Disc Sander ( you know the one, it's got my DNA on it ) I sanded down the outside curve, why just the outside I hear you ask, well I need to get a larger diameter drum sander. Its too easy to wear down a small area with the sander I have and that doesn't make for a pretty frame, so it's a trip down to the DIY shop to try a get hold of one. I do have a few pics but please don't get excited, this is really work in progress. The old and the new Not much as I say but there will be more to follow, just not tonight. Please ignore the attached thumbnail gents. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Hi Lou, Been waiting for this mate, you've some lovely planking going on there, both deck and hull. The wale looks to be Yellow heart and please correct me if I'm wrong but can you tell me what that black staining is, 3rd plank down on both sides. Looking forward to more updates mate. Be Good mobbsie
  10. Hi Frank, Good post mate, just one thing you've left out, there are no holes in the side from the canon shot. I know we lost you lot in the end but we did make a few holes along the way. It seems such a shame to distress all that lovely work you've done on the hull mate, that really is some fine planking. The waterways and heads are coming on fine and will no doubt look splendid when fitted to the ship, I know you know what your doing mate and I look forward to seeing further updates, ( that's code for "get your digit out"). I love what your doing here my friend. Be Good mobbsie
  11. Hi Aldo, I've missed you mate, been a while. I certainly hope that your health improves my friend and that some building no matter how small resumes. These last few years have not served you well and I sincerely hope and pray they are behind you, I wish you blue skies on the horizon my friend. mobbsie .
  12. Looking at those Fairleads from the deck looking forward they don't look at all out of place, I think your decision to wait until you have more deck furniture on board was right on the money, I don't think your going to be changing them any time soon Hamilton. She's looking really sweeeeeet mate. Be Good mobbsie
  13. Wow John, love those deck details mate, she's coming on a real treat. You have to be chuffed with the way she's coming on, I know I would be. Be Good mobbsie
  14. Nicely done Bob, those chains really do look the part. Well done mate. Be Good mobbsie
  15. Hi Grant, Nice job on the Mk 2 keel mate. How on earth did you manage to change the angle? Does your milling bed rotate to allow for the change or was it a very careful turning of the dials. Either way it's turned out extremely good. Be Good mobbsie
  16. Hi Jason, Thanks for looking in mate. There is no plan for cutting the templates. The plan is copied onto A4 sticky labels and a sharp blade used to cut around each part ( I use a Stanley Knife ). Painters tape is placed on the timber sheet and the template stuck onto that. The painters tape peels off so much easier and doesn't leave any residue glue. The frames were cut out using my Proxxon Scroll saw and sanded down with my Belt and Disc sanders. Hope that helps mate. Be Good mobbsie.
  17. Hi Wayne, Hang on mate, I'll get a torch and show you to your seat, bloody dark in here. Good to have you along my friend. Be Good mobbsie
  18. Hi John, Boris279 & Popeye, Thank you gents for your very kind words and comments. John, If I knew how to put a link in mate I most certainly would but I even forget which side of the bed to get out of these days. I afraid it's a non starter bud. I've now entered the DARK SIDE. Next build is the Granado Cross Section 1/48 scale scratch, this is a group build with co-conspirator's being Grant, Jack Panzeca and ASAT ( Lou ). Both Grant and me have started our logs a while back, but this is not going to be a quick build, with Grant basically only having the weekends to work on it the pace is going to be a bit sedate. I'm filling my time by practising with my tools and honing up on my carpentry skills, I might add here that they were non-existent from the start so expect a few sloppy joints along the way. Hopefully see you on the other side gents. Be Good mobbsie
  19. That looks really good John, well done mate. Enjoy your heat wave you guys wont you, were down to about 7 or 8 degrees, proper T shirt weather. :( Be Good mobbsie
  20. It'll fall over Augie. That is quite some jungle you have there Sjors, hope you can find a home for all those ropes. Well done mate. Be Good mobbsie
  21. Nice touch with that breach ring Augie, by far the neatest I've seen so far, I'm going to bookmark that for sure. Looking forward to seeing the finished guns mate. Be Good mobbsie
  22. Absolutely speechless Matti, you've done a superb job with your rigging so far, very well done mate. I can most definitely see your museum wanting this ship, fantastic. Be Good mobbsie
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