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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Thank you, John. It just feels better to know she's here. Exquisite.
  2. Nice job Floyd. If you ever need to translate from a foreign language try Google Translate.
  3. Well heck, I found out about card from Paul Salomone so I'm looking forward to following this. Thanks for sharing Chris!
  4. Nice hinges. Now whwere did that wire hinge pin idea come from
  5. Both governments should be rolling in dough based on the amounts of paint and glue you and I buy.
  6. Thanks to everyone. Flattery will get you everywhere . I've said it before though ---- if it weren't for the fine work exhibited by you guys and gals (and what I learn there), my ship would be a REAL mess, probably sitting in a corner behind a sponge mop.
  7. Good work! I use those guides (or 'jig's') whenever I can.
  8. I heard about Sherry 'going over'. Ah well, Sjors and I will just keep cranking out those kits. It's better for the economies
  9. Oh boy.......if I recall correctly, one of my favorites parts of these builds is coming up soon ------ the handrails. :)
  10. The standing rigging on the mainmast has basically been completed. This included the main topgallant shrouds, stay and backstays as well as the main royal stay and backstays. I never realized that some standing rigging was actually adjustable as is the case with the royal backstays which run through blocks down to belaying pins on the rail. The tackles actually WORK! (Sorry about the lack of focus on the first 2 pics). Seeing as we're tying off to the pin rack, I decided to try my hand at making some loose rope coils for the belaying pins. Toward that end, I constructed this highly sophisticated jig. About 5 coils of line, a dab of CA and voila! I'm not sure if this qualifies me as a neophyte 'darksider' Time for a long distance shot. Note that what appears to be a fore royal stay running to the bowsprit is just a temporary brace set to help tensioning to lines on the stays from the mainmast. As nothing went 'boing' I think we're OK. Which reminds me of something I forgot to post in the re-post of this abbreviated log. All of the belaying pin rails and channels were pinned with 28 guage wire during construction (thanks Chuck). Concerning the rake of the mainmast, I had previously determined from the plans that it was approximately 5 degrees aft. Well, as they say, the proof is in the pudding. So at this point measuring from ball truck to ball truck I get 9 1/8" which precisely matches the plans. So assuming the mast holes in the deck were drilled in the right place, I finally got something right. I believe this is a FIRST. At any rate, this rigging thing is an absolute blast! Haven't had so much fun since coppering. Or maybe planking. Or maybe........ Now we move on to a total repeat on the standing rigging for the foremast. Hopefully, we will already have improved a bit. Be back when the cursed ratlines are completed on the upper fore shrouds. Everyone stay well. And build straight
  11. Oh brother! This should be fun . Your first photo and the hull is done! I'll be following as I really enjoyed your Bounty.
  12. Well, it's been less than a week since the mishap and the site is really coming back to life. A goodly number of build logs are back up, a whole lot of old friends have returned and I'm seeing a lot of new faces....... um, avatars is what I think you call 'em. Traffic is terrific! I'm almost used to seeing 35 emails every time I sit at the PC ----- and I sit a LOT . Hopefully, things will continue in the right direction. OK, I'll have an update up in about an hour. Thanks to all for their continued interest ...... and keep on building/posting
  13. Welcome back, Ron. Glad to see you put this log back up. The new MSW 'speedbuild' Forum Hopefully things will get back to nornal soon.
  14. Welcome back aboard, Floyd! Always glad to see another Syren on the ways. I'll look forward to following your log.
  15. There are just too many things I could say here ----- so I'm going to be silent. .
  16. Welcome aboard the Syren team, Prodas. We're starting to rebuild the fleet! I look forward very much to your build. Syren is a wonderful kit. Do not worry about your English. You're doing fine. Best oif luck on your voyage.
  17. Sherry- So you're going to go for the 'dark side'. OK, we'll be watching!!!!!
  18. VERY nice job Daniel. If you're interested in embellishing this technique, there's a great tutorial by Gene Bodnar right here on MSW. Check it out under 'articles' on the home page.
  19. Another example of our newly developed 'speed building' technique here on MSW. Looks great, Paul.
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