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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Nice work on the deck. And a nice touch with the memento. Usually, I just leave some DNA.
  2. These are going to be spectacular, Thomas. I'm envious !
  3. The desert must be awesome this time of year. Glad you got out. Yes, I recall a bit of twist. I think the beveling plus a little 'creative sanding' pretty much solves the issue.
  4. Didn't want to chime in earlier with all the 'guidance' you were getting. Bolts were the way to go . They look great. Have a safe trip. We'll keep a tether on Mobbsie during your absence.
  5. I use a hand held vacuum (carefully) to remove the heavy stuff along with a can of compressed air for tight spots and some creative 'blowing'. A nice soft artists or cosmetic brush, sometimes very slightly dampened is usually the final touch.
  6. Glad to see this little gal getting a log. These are great kits to get folks started because they are manageable while at the same time being instructive --- perfect for a 'wet your whistle' project. I built a Peterboro from Midwest years back. Strapped it onto the floats of one of my R/C Piper Cubs and it's still going strong after many water take offs and landings. In fact, I think it gets more attention than the plane itself. Hope it kindles some interest in a few of your friends.
  7. Good choice and well done. Last photo is ------ impressive!
  8. I have some of the 1:64 brass 6# canon from Chuck's Syren Company as given in the above link. They are excellent.
  9. I'll go for 6 as, like myself, it's subtle but definitive.
  10. I'm interested as well. That 'bleed' has always annoyed me.
  11. That's not a try works ..... it's the centerpiece. Lovely all around.
  12. Nice work on the margin planks. You're on your way to scratch building. And I agree, it's tough to get good help these days!
  13. Voila.....she's out of bondage! Well done, mate! Now, are you going to share with us which of the 9 treenail samples attract your favor???
  14. MORE than mere recognition. She is to be celebrated. And I'm very glad that, looking back at her now, you are pleased with your creation.
  15. Avast, mate. Leave those port holes lie.......they look great!!!!
  16. Darned it DC, they make mine look like repaired fish net. NICE JOB!
  17. Nice work on the spales. I'll confess I do use the 'wedge it in' method sometimes but always use soft wood (eg:balsa) for the wedges. As for treenails, #78 is pretty small but the 'drill and fill' works pretty well at that scale. Just play with the color of your filler to get what you like before you commit. EDIT- boxwood looks great and she's really shaping up beautifully.
  18. I'm with Frank........love the portholes. Really sharp on that green background.
  19. They are a beautiful pair, Dave. Sovereign should be one heck of a build.
  20. Glad to see the Syren fleet getting back to fighting strength. I enjoy keeping up with all of them. Welcome aboard, Timbers.
  21. Wonderful. Do you now need to abandon your chair to continue the rigging????
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