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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. The run of the planks looks great !! Ebony dust into the pear ---- I wouldn't have expected that. Duly noted.
  2. Excellent choice, Larry. Thanks for the side by side.
  3. Yes, the spacer going from one side to the other is the way to go. Simple and effective. I have a whole bunch made up 1/2, 7/16, 3/8 etc. and keep them handy.
  4. I think we have enough here for a small update. The red columns are the Main Jeer Bitts complete with simulated sheaves. The assorted parts are for the brake pumps: These jeer bitts were installed under a deck beam and the main mast coat and some deck rings put in place: The pumps were then assembled and painted. The spouts are 1/16" brass tubing. The simulated metal bands are black heat shrink tubing: The last photo shows everything in place (including the main topsail sheet bitts) with a few rope coils added for interest: Next we'll be adding the carlings and some half beams to complete the framing on the quarterdeck. Best wishes to all on the blizzard heading for the NE. And everyone build straight!
  5. Looking GOOD! Sandpaper and elbow grease are your best friends. Great foundation for the second layer. Good luck with the coming storm.
  6. Sounds like you've taken Popeye's course in making things do other things. Very innovative!
  7. Really nice run on those planks. Can't wait to see the last band in place.
  8. Thanks for the update Robbyn. Let's hope the rest of the New Year brings you nothing but happiness.
  9. I've been asked 'Paper or Plastic' but, until now, never 'Paper or Brass? I can't tell the difference !!!!! Could you mention how you made the trunnions?
  10. Mobbsie has made a great suggestion. Don't ask me how I know this!
  11. WOW --- that sure is GREEN! I love it. Sorry about the airbrush.
  12. Sterling did some boats but their main business was model airplanes. They made quite a few decent kits for control line and free flight flying. I think they have been out of the business for more than 30 years.
  13. With that low-in-the-water profile and immense bowsprit I could recognize her from 5 miles out.
  14. Avast mate! This is a serious vessel. No room for umbrellas and dance floors here! On the other hand, the brass accents on the ice maker add a nice touch! Popeye, you're the man!
  15. Having shipmates like all of you is what makes this so enjoyable. Heck, I'm still trying to cobble through and learn things you have all mastered for years. What I see in your creations is, at times, intimidating. Yet, at the same time, it spurs me on to do better. Thanks to ALL. WOLF - There are many examples throughout MSW as to the proper ways to rig guns. This is a very simplistic version of just the breech lines but it is neat and clean. I've played with putting in the blocks and even the train tackles but was never satisfied with the chaos I was creating and, considering that most of what we see now will be obscured by the upper decks, I'm happy with what I have here. I may be fully rigging the guns on the upper deck...depending on how much upper deck I actually install. I just don't want you to be mislead into thinking this was the 'actual way' it was done.
  16. Whoa ---- what a nice surprise. That bulkhead looks great and I like the paintwork. Now you can start all over again on the upper decks. Well done, mate!
  17. The use of copper strips would appear to be a great idea. Looking forward to seeing the results !
  18. The varying of the thicknesses is an interesting challenge. I don't envy you working with the ebony but, in the final analysis it's going to look great. Rooting for you!
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