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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. I'm sure you're aware of it John, but the more of the rigging and spars you get on board, the more carefully you need to move around her.
  2. YOU like the finish??? I went back to page 25 of your log......can't believe it's the same ship !!!!! Outstanding, John.
  3. Aftermarket carronades look nice and robust. Nice work.
  4. Sorry about the paint nicks... seems to be an occupational hazard. But nice work on the drop planks.
  5. Happy birthday .... and many happy returns. Now, where's the cake????
  6. Yes, that thinning is tedious. But the inboard planking looks great. You'll get more thinning work on the ship's boat!!
  7. Life has slowed down enough to put in some time in the workshop. Continuing on the foredeck, we've installed the belfry and the cap for the deck beam that supports the stanchions for another railing. Next will be fitting the waterways and margin planks for the deck itself. I've decided to reverse the partial deck plan used in the stern so that the port side will be left open forward. This will allow a partial internal view from either side of the ship.
  8. Just coming aboard. Love what you're doing, particularly the color contrasts.
  9. I may be late to the party but I'll join in on the kudos. Fantastic color on those sails.
  10. Just love the lay of the lines. Made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. What's an inch or 2 between friends!
  11. Just catching up. Nice progress! Check your local hobby store and hopefully they have some paint that can make metal look like wood. I think I found some under the Testor's Model Master line.
  12. Just the usual sanding with 150/220/400 grit paper. But it depends on the amount of laser burn. I had some sheets where it was quite severe and this could be what you have. My problem was on the hanging and lodging knees and I had to resort to making them mostly from scratch. Sorry, but I don't have a magic bullet.
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